Chapter 2: The Quill & Letter

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The next morning Kennedy walked downstairs in her pajamas stretching her arms in the air while yawning.

She sleepily sat down at the table and rested her face in her palm. She gently closed her eyes wanting to go back to bed.

"Morning sweetie." Her mother placed a plate of breakfast in front of her half asleep self.

"Morning mom" She yawned again leaning back onto her chair before finally being able to comfortably open her eyes. "Yum, waffles." 

She stuffed a big chunk into her mouth. A little too big that syrup started dripping from the corners of her mouth.

Her mother sighed looking at her 25-year-old acting like a 10 year old.

Kennedy looked up at her mom with puppy eyes and a puffed mouth knowing she looked stupid. 

"What are you going to do without me." Her mother chuckled wiping her mouth.

Kennedy cutely smiled chewing the big lump of food in her mouth.

After eating she went up to her room to get changed and do her makeup.

Just as she was about to set her phone down, she blankly checked the messages from last night.




Uh who's this?

Kennedy it's me Aaron, Aaron Edgar

Where did you get my number from? 

That's not important, please I want to meet up.

Oh it is very important, I blocked you 2 years ago, why are you suddenly messaging me?

I got a new number and I remembered yours so I thought I'd message you.

But why? I don't want to talk to you.

Please Kennedy I just want to talk.

Why? What's so important you messaged me after all this time.

I want to meet up, it's been ages, I want to be friends.

Friends? After what happened I don't think we can be friends Aaron.

Please give me a chance...

Fine, but tomorrow


She tossed her phone onto her bed and walked into the bathroom closing the door behind her.

She unzipped her jacket revealing her white tank top. She leaned over the sink and began washing her face.

Just as she was about to reach for the soap, her eyes caught something.

her eyes furrowed as she stood up straight. Her eyes widened when she saw a carved in mark of a quill on her wrist.

She could see dried blood around the perfectly drawn in quill. She felt it with her hands but it was like nothing was there, she just felt her skin.

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