Chapter 16: The second task

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Kennedy tried not to walk on her bandaged ankle and the boys insisted they help her but she kept denying.

They all sat in the girls' dorm talking, discussing what the next task might be.

"What if you have to walk through the dark with spiders and cobwebs everywhere and whoever makes it out with the least amount of cobweb on them wins?" Ezbern said as if he was telling a ghost story.

"Ezbern that's not happening." Kennedy was done with all his dumb ideas. She rested her legs on Alcott's lap as he was finishing up some homework.

"What if it's dragons!" Theodore grabbed a pillow and hid half his face behind it.

"That is a possibility but I doubt it would be the second task, It's too early to let the dragons loose." Jaynie laughed at her own joke.

No one really understood it but laughed anyway. 

The day for the second task came by really quick.

The remaining eleven players lined up at the same spot outside the cabin but instead of a big stone box in front of them, it was a building.

It also looked like a box but different. It had eleven giant metal garage looking doors.

"For the second task you must retrieve an object." Everyone whispered to each other. "This task will challenge you mentally, to retrieve the object you must find your way through an escape room." 

The contestants were curious because they've never attempted an escape room, especially because it was probably full of magic.

"Good luck." Just as professor Aurkins said that, they were teleported into a room.

The metal doors that were visible to the crowd turned into projectors and they could see the eleven contestants.

Kennedy looked around to see random clatter everywhere. She spotted a wooden table with a paper and saw blurry writing.

She walked closer and picked it up and saw something written, it looked like a foreign language but at the same time English. It had a fancy font which made it hard to read.

Kennedy slapped the paper back onto the table thinking it wasn't much help.

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