Chapter 13: Aaron Edgar

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Kennedy walked to Professor Aurkins' the next morning.

She walked inside which she found him at his desk writing with a rather fancy feathered quill.

"Yes my dear?" He immediately put the quill down looking at Kennedy.

"Why did you select me?" Kennedy felt tears from yesterday come back but held it together.

The professor sighed before he spoke. "Because I believe in you, I want you to prove to everyone the great sorceress you are" 

"But I can't professor I can't... Everyone thinks I'm a murderer... My own friends are mad at me..." Kennedy looked down.

"You can do it, just believe in yourself." Professor Aurkins nodded his head gently.

"Why was I chosen to be a Phirelis? I'm not smart, I'm not loyal, I ruined my friendship with the boys, they hate me. Even Ezbern..." Kennedy couldn't help a tear drop fall from her eye.

"You are smart if you try..." Professor Aurkins began. "Being loyal isn't being the one having to always work hard to keep the friendship together. It's about loving the others unconditionally... They are loyal just as much as you... If not more" 

Kennedy bit her lip not knowing what to say.

"Think about it." The professor dismissed Kennedy and she left.

Throughout the entire week everyone placed in their names to participate.

Then at dinner one day they all received a piece of paper where they all ticked a person from their house who put their name for the tournament to represent them.

As the female spot in the Phirelis house was taken by Kennedy, there was only male names and only about ten or twelve. 

She chose one at random and gave it in. The scores would be calculated by the next morning.

Kennedy left after eating straight to her dorm.

She picked up the red book Professor Aurkins had given her.

She sat reading it and eventually fell asleep.

The bright sun burnt the side of her face as she woke up covering her face with one hand.

"Wake up sleepy head they're announcing the contestants." Jaynie laughed putting the giant book aside.

Kennedy got dressed and walked with Jaynie.

They sat awkwardly in front of the boys who pretended not to notice their presence.

"So did you boys put your names for the tournament?" Jaynie leaned over the table and Kennedy looked at her fingers under the table. She felt the boys give her a glance as they spoke to Jaynie.

"No." They shook their heads.

"I did." Jaynie smiled.

"What!?" The three of them whipped their heads to her.

"Are you crazy!?" Kennedy scoffed.

"Could ask you the same but we know the answer already." Theodore rolled his eyes.

Kennedy furrowed her eyebrows at him. "I didn't have a choice." 

"Yeah right." Theodore bit his cheek.

"Why do you have to be like this?" Kennedy's eye's softened.

"Me? Why do you have to be like that?" Theodore sat straight. "I really wonder what could've of been different if you didn't take your friends powers." 

"I Didn't steal them!" Kennedy raised her voice. "Are you accusing me now!?"

"Why not? You accused me and Ezbern." Theodore pointed to Ezbern who just angrily listened to the argument. Kennedy wasn't really sure what he was mad about, them arguing or at her.

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