Chapter 30: Shock

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Everyone stepped back gasping as the smoke grew bigger until it slowly disappeared revealing the woman.

She tilted her head and her mouth twisted into a smirk. "How nice is it to finally meet you Kennedy." Kennedy spotted the sparkling gold crown on her head.

"How do you know my name..." Kennedy swallowed.

"Everyone knows your name darling. You're quite famous from that newspaper." Callie flicked her wrist and a newspaper appeared in her hands. "Read it."

She tossed it into Kennedy's arms.

It was a newspaper full of her.

She turned through every page and every title was on top in big bold writing which had all sorts of headings of her stealing her powers, cheating on her boyfriend, and other crazy titles.

"None of this is true." Kennedy forgot she was speaking to Callie, the woman who had stolen the crown.

"Oh I know dear." Callie chuckled.

"But what is true is that you are looking for me." Callie started walking round the room. "Specifically...this crown."

Kennedy watched as she went around eyeing everyone but always circling back to her.

"I'm afraid someone won't make it out today." Callie flicked her wrist again and this time a pocket knife appeared to which she hugged it around Kennedy's neck.

Kennedy gulped sucking her throat in trying not to touch the very sharp looking edge

"Don't you even dare." Ezbern stepped up.

"Oh looked what we have here." Callie looked disgustingly at Ezbern. "Another prince charming."

"Alright I won't harm your little girlfriend." Callie threw the knife off her neck to where Kennedy silently gasped air. "But..." She gave an evil smirk.

"I'm in a bloody mood." Callie hissed.

All of a sudden Naveeda had appeared next to Callie with four knives floating beside her which shot straight over to Kennedy's family.

All four, Mother, father and two brothers. Were lying on the floor with knives in their throats.

Kennedy froze as everyone else gasped.

Callie cackled as she snapped her fingers and the two disappeared

Kennedy didn't move at all. The sight of her whole family on the floor wasn't processing. Her heart pounded as she felt her brain empty.

"Kenn-" Alcott stepped closer side hugging her as he kept his eyes on the floor with the bodies.

"Kenn breath. Take a deep breath." Even though his world was shocked. His priority was to help Kennedy.

Just then everything blacked out for Kennedy.

A while later she had opened her eyes to see tall trees.

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