Chapter 33: Kennedy Caddelle Belkenivo

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Kennedy felt light burn her face as she slowly opened her eyes.

She was laying outside a big manor. Which has flames and smoke coming out the windows.

"You're ok!" Theo quickly leapt on her hugging her tightly.

"Yeah." She grunted feeling pain from everywhere.

"Kennedy we did it!" Ezbern and Alcott jogged up to her as she sat up.

"We did?" She asked.

"You did it!" Alcott hugged her placing a soft kiss on her lips.

"Well where is it?" She wondered.

Ezbern dug through the magic bag pulling it out.

He placed in her hands to which she couldn't believe it.

"Let's go home." Theo helped her up.

After long days of travelling, they finally made it back to be greeted by Principal Aurkins and all the other teachers.

The principal had used the crown to fix the school and then was safely kept on display on the school next to a picture of the four of them.

"Can you believe that?" Theo was amazed.

"Nope but it's real." Kennedy chuckled.

"We look great." Ezbern gathered the three of them squeezing them in a hug.

"But that doesn't mean we're not students. We still have a long way to go." Kennedy reminded them.

"And one way to go is the nurses office for your check up." Alcott chuckled patted her head.

The three of them went to Nurse Jocelyn.

She was able to give some treatment.

"You boys are perfectly fine, just some bruises which will heal in no time." She smiled. "And Kennedy dear you're doing great, just a twisted wrist and all your wounds will disappear, however that will unfortunately scar."

She pointed to the scar which Callie had given her.

Kennedy hated seeing her name In her skin.

"Think of it as a victory." Ezbern said positively.

"Victory?" Kennedy looked up at him.

"That you have defeated her and protected this world." He replied.

Kennedy couldn't help but smile. "You're right."

After Kennedy had healed a little the four went back to Paris to Kennedy's place.

Kennedy opened the door to her house.

It was the exact same but cold and miserable...

Kennedy just stared around feeling horrible.

Alcott came beside her kissing her head. "It's ok, remember what you said about Jaynie at her funeral? It's the same thing. They're in a better place."

Kennedy nodded as a tear flowed down.

"Come on." He gestured.

They were packing up a few things as Kennedy would be staying with Ezbern's family for a while until she was fully recovered.

They took a few suitcases and Ezbern and Kennedy headed off to London as the other two went home.

Ezbern parents immediately greeted her with warm hugs and smiles.

"We're so glad to have you here." Ericka smiled.

"Thank you for letting me stay." Kennedy thanked them.

"It's not a problem you're welcome anytime." Ericka replied.

"Come Kenn, I'll show you your room." Ezbern said as he picked up her suitcases.

It had been a month and Kennedy was feeling almost normal.

It was fun living with the Belkenivos.

One day she was reading in her room when Ezbern knocked.

"We have a surprise for you come down." Ezbern took her hands leading her down.

She was unsure what this random surprise was.

She walked down to see Ezbern's parents standing there.

"What's the surprise?" She asked politely.

"We've thought about it and it's completely your choice we won't force anything on you." Ericka said making Kennedy a little skeptical.

"We know you've been going through a lot and we want to help you and this is a big decision and if you're not ready then you're welcome to say no you're still welcome here." Byron smiled.

Kennedy just stayed silent as they turned to the kitchen table, grabbing some papers.

"We want to adopt you." Ericka handed the adoption papers to her.

"Adopt?" Kennedy didn't think she was hearing right. "Why would you adopt me I'm 26 I should be living and taking care of myself."

"But we don't want you to live with the past. We want to be the people you can come to when you have problems." Ericka sweetly responded. "And it would be nice to have a daughter."

"Maybe I get a sister?" Ezbern shrugged.

Kennedy thought about it. She felt tears in her eyes.

"Sweetie-" They concerningly looked at her as tears flowed down.

"Thank you." Kennedy looked up at them. "I can't say no to this and all you've done for me is more than I could ever ask for."

"So you're saying yes?" Ezbern asked again.

"Yes." Kennedy smiled through the tears feeling so happy.

"Yes!" Ezbern grabbed Kennedy hugging her so tightly.

They helped Kennedy move her things into the Belkenivos house.

They couldn't wait to return to the Academy to tell Theo and Alcott.

They all met up a week before their classes were to begin.

They settled into their dorms and Ezbern and Kennedy were ready to surprise them.

"You said you wanted to meet us here?" Theo and Alcott sat on a bench as Kennedy and Ezbern stood in front.

They couldn't contain their happiness.

They unzipped their jackets, revealing their shirts which had 'brother' and 'sister' with an arrow under pointing to each other.

The two just confusingly looked at them.

"How cute." Alcott thought this was a waste of time.

"This was the surprise?" Theo raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe this will help." Kennedy pulled out a paper handing it to them.

"Adoption Certificate Kennedy Caddelle Belkenivo?" Alcott read.

Kennedy and Ezbern just smiled.

"Wait what?" Theo's jaw dropped.

"We adopted her." Ezbern couldn't hold it in.

"Guys that's amazing!" Alcott was so happy for them.

"I will still be referred to as Kennedy Caddelle but I am officially a Belkenivo now." Kennedy proudly said.

"That's great we're so happy!" Theo stood up.

"I guess I am now part British." Kennedy put on the worst British accent ever.

"Never do that again." Ezbern laughed.

"Why not!? I think it's great." Kennedy hair flipped laughing.

The End

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