Chapter 28: Loss

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Before the sun could even fully rise. The boys had already continued their journey.

Kennedy finally was able to fall asleep but early in the morning she woke up to something banging against the bars.

She squinted her eyes open to see Cobas and Maroff waking them up.

"Wake up, Vicktor demanded to see you." They both walked into each cell and unlocked the chains using them to drag the two girls down the tower.

They made it into a small room which didn't have much in it. A the two girls stared around the room they were pushed to their knees and spotted Vicktor. 

He was standing ahead.

"Just let us go! We're not going to help you in any way." Kennedy shook the chains.

"Actually you will be." Vicktor stepped closer to Harriet who looked at him as he towered over her.

Vicktor slid a hand behind Harriet's neck pinching her as he forced her to stand up.

"No-" Kennedy feared he was going to do what she thought he was going to.

"No!" She yelled out as he leaned closer and closer.

Just a second later Harrier let out a scream as Vicktor's fangs sunk into her neck.

"Leave her alone!" Memories of Jaynie flashed in her mind seeing Harriet tried fighting him off.

Vicktor then pushed Harriet to the floor as she winced in pain.

"Harriet!" Kennedy tried crawling to her but Cobas pulled her back by the chains.

"Put them both back inside, I'll deal with the other one later." Vicktor wipes the corner of his mouth leaving the room.

The other two Vampires dragged them both back up the tower and with no effort Maroff pushed Harriet into her cell but Kennedy refused.

"No! I'm not going in there" She held onto the side bars.

But suddenly Maroff grabbed her arms tightly shoving her into Harriet's cell.

He quickly locked the cell.

"You can watch your friend slowly lose her mind." Cobas chuckled loudly as the two walked off.

"Harriet." Kennedy saw Harriet had turned paler than she already was and the end of her blonde curls were fading into black.

"Harriet it's going to be ok." Kennedy held in her tears as she saw the bloody bite on her neck.

A few hours later the boys had finally arrived at the small castle.

"Is this it?" Theo gulped.

"Tracker says so." Alcott looked skeptically.

They all got out.

Theo was ready to bust in but Alcott stopped him.

"We need a plan." Alcott have him a look. "The tracker says they should be around there." He pointed to the tower.

"Can't we just sneak in and take them?" Ezbern asked.

"No. They shouldn't be left alive. They're extremely dangerous creatures. Once they take over your mind there's nothing that can be done." Alcott sighed being worried.

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