Chapter 21: Goodbye Jaynie

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Kennedy finally came out of her room and explained what happened to the boys.

Turns out she had broken her right wrist and left arm, her arms had become mostly useless. Luckily Miss Noelle used a special spell and she would recover quickly in a few weeks.

They couldn't do anything about it, Jaynie was gone...

A week later Jaynie's funeral was held in the main hall.

Everyone sat in silence as professor Aurkins spoke.

"It is truly tragic what happed to our lovely Jaynie Corette." Professor Aurkins sighed. "However her cause of death will remain unknown to the students." Kennedy had told the principal everything that happened. She'd sent him a letter one the day she was killed because she couldn't leave her dorm.

"I would like to invite someone who would like to say a few words about Jaynie." Professor Aurkins gave a small smile and stepped aside.

Kennedy slowly stood up and made her way to the front.

She stood in front of the lectern looking around the room.

"Jaynie was my best friend." Kennedy started feeling water in her eyes. "Ever since I came she had been with me... She stood up for me when everyone turned their backs on me. When everyone looked at me like I was unworthy to even live." Kennedy felt disgusted remembering.

"I want to let her know how much I love her and that after this day I will not cry for her anymore." Kennedy smiled through her tears. "I'm done crying for people. She's in a better place. Even though I'd love to have her beside me today. Even though she didn't get a chance to do everything she wanted to. She's in a better place. She'll be given another life one day. Another chance to be another wonderful person." Everyone clapped as Kennedy finished her speech.

She walked back to her table where the boys smiled at her proudly.

A week later everything had settled in. Everyone was back to their normal lives.

The three of them sat in the main hall eating lunch.

Kennedy and Theo had swapped sides so Ezbern could feed Kennedy. Since her arms were both broken.

Ezbern laughed every time he'd put a piece of food in her mouth. Like a father feeding his five year old kid.

Kennedy would open her mouth making a sound to put more on her mouth.

Theo was reading the Minute Memo when he suddenly furrowed his eyebrows. "What!"

"What?" Kennedy repeated with a mouth full.

"That reported had wrote a new article called 'Mass Murderer Kennedy Caddelle.'" Theo rolled his eyes.

"What!?" Ezbern looked at his disgustedly. "Keep reading." But before Theo could read they both turned to Kennedy who had a mouth full of food and chopsticks which Ezbern just held there in her mouth.

Concealed Academy: Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now