Chapter 17: Third Task

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The next day Kennedy thought to go see Alcott in his dorm. 

She was feeling very anxious for the next task and thought he could give her some motivation.

She walked up the stairs and past dorm rooms. She past other students along the way, like usual they would keep quiet and immediately whisper after she passed.

The whole 'Kennedy stole her powers' thing hadn't blown over yet.

Very few people congratulated her after finishing the tasks.

She made it to Alcott's room and swung the door open. "Alcott-" 

Kennedy froze at the sight in front of her.

She confusingly saw Alcott sitting with Aaron, Seffika and Blaide. She took a deep breath thinking there might be a logical explaination.

"Kenn- What are you doing here-" Alcott quickly stood up walking to her.

"What are they doing here?" Kennedy swallowed.

"I'll explain later, you should-" Alcott was cut off.

"Don't keep her waiting Allie." Seffika walked up to them crossing her arms sassily.

"Allie?" Kennedy furrowed her eyebrows.

"Yes Allie, do you have a problem?" Seffika scoffed.

"Um yeah!" Kennedy replied.

"Look, he was never interested in you, it was just revenge." Blaide stood up.

"Revenge? What did I ever do you guys!?" Kennedy was confused even more.

"You wouldn't understand would you? Everyone loves Kennedy" Seffika mocked.

"Seff that's enough-" Alcott shooed her back a few steps.

"Is it true you don't love me?" Kennedy's voice lightly trembled.

Alcott took a deep breath. "Yeah." 

Kennedy felt her heart break. "Your in this too?" She saw Aaron resting his head on a window ledge.

He didn't immediately respond, he sighed turning his head to the window. "yep" 

Kennedy quickly got out of there.

She ran while covering her eyes with her arm and when she didn't realize two people walking.

She turned a corner and immediately fell onto her side knocking into someone.

She looked up to see Theodore and Jaynie.

"Kennedy?" Theodore got onto his knees helping Kennedy.

She sat up as they took a look at her bleeding elbow.

"We should get you to Miss Noelle-" Theodore helped Kennedy up.

"Are you crying?" Theodore tilted his head seeing Kennedy's red eyes.

"N-no, I'm fine." She turned her head away.

"Kenn what's wrong?" Jaynie stepped closer making Kennedy turn her head to them.

Kennedy burst into tears as she fell onto Theo's chest. She couldn't get words to come out.

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