Chapter 20: The Final Task

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The next day at dinner, Kennedy picked at her food with her thoughts somewhere else.

"Kenn" Jaynie called turning to her. "Kennn" she tried again.

"Kennedy!" She was startled as Jaynie was in her face.

"You ok?" Jaynie pushed her head back.

"Yeah, just nervous for the tournament you know?" She have a short chuckle.

"It's ok if you don't win, atleast you made it to the end." Ezbern gave a thumbs up.

"Buts it not ok." Kennedy grabbed his hand gently pushing it down onto the table. "If I lose everyone's going to think I'm a loser."

"It's fine. I'm here." Jaynie smiled.

"No Jaynie." Kennedy knew exactly what she was planning. "If you win you win. Don't try to help me."

"I'm not gonna let my best friend feel bad about losing." Jaynie insisted.

"I love you but no." Kennedy turned her entire body to her sitting on the bench like she was riding a horse. "Principal Aurkins put me in this tournament to prove myself but If I lose he'll be disappointed and so will I." Kennedy sighed. "And who knows what rumours they'll put out when they find out Jaynie helped me win."

"You already have 1000 rumours, would one more make a difference?" Theo said while eating. "Plus why do you care about them, the rumours will eventually die down."

"It's not just about the rumours." Kennedy was so stressed. "I don't want to have to win by getting help. I want to win myself. Otherwise I'll continue going through the years oweing my life to Jaynie." Kennedy pointed to her. "That's just going to make me feel worse about myself."

"Makes sense but I still think Jaynie should try her best to help." Ezbern said.

"No, no help." Kennedy wouldn't budge.

The week had passed and the remained 3 were lined up.

"Good luck princess." Aaron winked at Kennedy.

Kennedy gave him a disgusted look and rolled her eyes.

"Once again congratulations to our finalists." Professor Aurkins clapped. "For our last task, the finalists will have to search not only for the tournament cup, but the final item which is a crown. Contestants will need to first equip the crown then the cup to be teleported back here."

Everyone became more interested as the principal continued. "However, there will be deadly dragons surrounding everywhere. They will not immediately attack."

"I'm so glad I'm not there right now." Theo gave a chuckle of relief.

Concealed Academy: Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now