Chapter 12: Tournament Announcement

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The next day Kennedy woke up and got ready for breakfast.

Everyone in her dorm seemed to have already left.

She stretched as she walked into the loud hall.

She could feel eyes on her and whispers the minute she walked past tables but she was too tired to care.

She sat down on her table with half closed eyes. She could see Theodore and Ezbern reading something on his bracelet.

"Um Kenn..." Ezbern concerningly looked up at her.

"Yeah?" She yawned.

"You might want to check the Minute Memo." Ezbern glanced at Theodore.

The Minute Memo was like a school newsletter but with any magic or school related articles. It was named the Minute Memo because there would be an update every minute about something.

Kennedy asked her bracelet to open the Minute memo.

She read the first few article names:

Concealed Village's hair salon business being shut down

Power Stealer Kennedy Caddelle?

Weather Update

Kennedy pressed the one with her name being confused.

She read it:

A young beautiful lady by the name Kennedy Caddelle has always been admired by her classmates. Not only her beauty, but her magical abilities capture the attention of all students and teachers of Concealed Academy, however, it turns out she is not the true enchantress she appears as. It is rumored that Miss Caddelle has stolen these powers from her dead best friend. Has she told anyone? Does she plan to tell anyone? How is Mr Alcott Jesse her boyfriend dealing with all this? How will Concealed Academy deal with a murderer in their school?

Kennedy scoffed slapping her bracelet off. "How did they even find out all this?"

The boys didn't know what to say and kept silent.

Kennedy pushed herself out of her seat walking out the hall.

The boys followed behind her. "Kennedy wait we can figure this out." Ezbern made her stop right outside the hall.

Before Kennedy could speak, Alcott came jogging to her.

"Kenn did you read the Memo?" Alcott quickly glanced at the boys.

"Yeah I just did, who could of possibly told them, and no I did not kill anyone." Kennedy put a hand over her forehead closing her eyes.

Suddenly something hit her. She opened her eyes and turned to the boys. "Did you guys tell everyone this?" Kennedy looked at them skeptically.

"What? You're blaming us?" Theodore let out a small huff feeling offended.

"Kenn we're your best friends why would you accuse us like that?" Ezbern furrowed his eyebrows.

"I'm not accusing you, why are you making me feel like the attacker here!?" Alcott put his hands on Kennedy's shoulders trying to tell her to calm down.

"We're not playing victim, why would you just assume it was us?" Theodore argued.

"So I can't ask questions to why people are calling me a fucking murderer!?" Kennedy raised her voice.

Concealed Academy: Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now