Chapter 27: Vampires

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The next morning Alcott woke up to find Kennedy holding onto his arm like a teddy bear.

He didn't know what to do and tried to gently wake her up.

Kennedy yawned as she slowly opened her eyes to see Alcott in her face and immediately opened her eyes and realised she was holding to him.

"I'm so sorry!" She quickly apologized.

"It's all good." Alcott chuckled and they both got out the tent.

The others were already awake and like always.

"Do we have food?" Theo pouted.

Kennedy dug through the bag to find more strawberries.

"It's all we have-" Kennedy said tossing everyone an few.

"Maybe we can pick-up some food when we head to the next town." Ezbern suggested looking at the map.

 "Well let's pack up and get going." Kennedy played with the apple in her hands as she finally took a bite.

They were ready to leave when Kennedy spotted Alcott looking up at the blue sky a bit cautiously.

"Ready to go?" She stepped closer not wanting to interrupt his thoughts.

"Oh yeah sorry." Alcott turned around.

"Does anyone else feel a bit cold?" Harriet asked rubbing her shoulders.

"It does feel colder than it should be-" Theo found it weird as it was bright and sunny.

Suddenly a gust of wind strongly blew over them as it grew even colder, they all covered their eyes as they tried looking at what was causing the wind.

Three figures landed a few meters away from them

Once the wind calmed down. They could see three VERY pale men in red and black clothes with cloaks staring at them. And ice froze things within a few centimeters of their feet.

"Can we help you?" Kennedy shrugged as they just stayed silent staring at them all.

"Yes actually." The one in front smirked and sounded like a snake. 

"Kenn... They're vampires..." Alcott put a hand on her shoulder leaning closer to whisper in her ear.

"What?" Kennedy took a second look and that's when she saw the two pointy fangs 

Kennedy gulped taking a breath to try handle this. "What do you need?" 

"Nothing in particular." The first one said again. "But first let me introduce myself and my brothers. My names Vicktor. This is Cobas and Moroff." 

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