Chapter 32: Finders Keepers

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Alcott charged forward.

He was about to perform a spell when Callie was faster.

Alcott felt his muscles tighten as he couldn't move them.

"Fancy of you to join us." Callie smirked.

Kennedy took the opportunity to quickly dig into her pocket.

She pulled out all the other Jewelry pieces puting them on.

She knew they weren't as powerful but it would boost her up.

Callie noticed turning back to her.

"Aww how cute." She pouted. "You think those silly things are going to help you?"

Kennedy didn't even respond and just glared back.

Ezbern and Theodore had also joined in the fight distracting Callie letting go of Alcott.

But easily Callie was able to knock both of them to the floor.

"Let's get this over with." Kennedy whispered casting a spell.

The jewels glowed blinking.

Kennedy grunted as she felt like she wasn't going to be able to keep up.

Ezbern interfered casting another spell at Callie sending her across the room.

Kennedy fell to her knees feeling so weak.

"Kenn-" Theo ran to her before Alcott could.

"I'm fine- I'm-" She breathed.

Suddenly Neveeda had summoned in the middle of the room.

"Nice to see you again." She giggled. "Too bad it'll be the last."

Neveeda began fighting against Theo who was trying to make sure Kennedy was ok.

Callie had also joined back, there was chaos everywhere.

As Alcott fought off Callie he noticed something blinking on Neveeda's neck.

There was a red circle that kept blinking and a jewel on Callie's crown that was also blinking.

Alcott instantly knew Neveeda had been created by Callie with the crown.

"Theo! Grab the red thing on Neveeda's neck!" Alcott called out to him.

Theo immediately spotted it trying to reach it but Neveeda flicked him away like a fly.

"Why do you persist?" Neveeda groaned.

"Because what Callie has is not hers." Kennedy kept swinging forward at Neveeda.

"Finders keepers." Neveeda chuckled.

Kennedy kept Neveeda distracted while Theo crept up from behind tackling her to the floor.

Kennedy grabbed her hands and Theo reached for the jewel.

"Unfortunately it's your last." Theo winked before snatching the jewel off.

But it wasn't what they expected.

Neveeda cackled. "You think that's it?"

"What..." Both were confused.

Neveeda pushed both of them off getting back onto her feet.

"Now let's end this." She put out her hand as a ball of red rage summoned.

"Forget her we need to get Callie!" Theo yelled at the same time trying to avoid Neveeda and her spells.

The two turned to Callie as they tried fighting off Neveeda at the same time.

Kennedy took a second to take a few deep breaths.

She got up back again ready.

The jewels on the Jewelry glowed as she casted a spell she had never done before.

"Occidire!" A beam of light struck through Neveeda and Callie.

Neveeda struggled to fight back but Callie was more powerful.

"Try harder." She performed a counter spell as Kennedy tried holding her off.

"Inferno." Alcott had pressed his hand against the wall instantly setting fire.

"Why would you do that!?" Ezbern yelled at him.

"Trust me." Alcott knew what he was doing.

The place wasn't easily flammable as it only burned in some places.

The boys realised Kennedy was getting tired quick and helped her casting the same spell.

Callie tried her best to hold all four off.

Kennedy had drained all her power.

She tried her best to stay on her feet and keep her eyes open.

Neveeda was lying on the floor trying to get up.

Kennedy jumped over her to Callie.

Unpredictably she quickly grabbed the tight crown off her head which immediately made her weaker

The boys had easily overpowered her and she crashed into multiple walls.

"We did it?" Theo couldn't believe it.

"I think we did." Alcott swallowed.

But Kennedy had fallen to the floor with the crown in her hands.

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