Chapter 18: Fourth Task

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The day after the next was for the fourth task.

Kennedy couldn't believe she was still in the tournament.

The minute she'd feel happy about her progress, the reminder that no one really liked her, hit her hard.

She got lined up with the remaining seven contestants.

"Welcome to the fourth task!" Professor Aurkins hyped up the crowd. "For this task, each of you will show your broom flying skills by flying though a course and series of obstacles."

Brooms appeared in front of each player and they all sat down on them.

Clouds separated revealing a bunch of large golden rings.

"Your job is to fly through every single ring and at the end you will find another item. However it is not as easy as it looks." Professor Aurkins smirked.

What was that supposed to mean?

The flare was let out of the principals palm and the contestants shot up to the sky.

They were up so high.

Kennedy didn't have time to look around. She dived through each ring easily trying not to knock into anyone.

She glanced back to see quite a few people, she guessed she was about third or fourth.

Suddenly something showed up in front making all the contestants stop on their brooms.

A big cloud monster appeared blocking their way.

It roared making Kennedy squint her eyes in fear. It was like a big scary marshmallow. 

"It's just a cloud." Lien Kovesh, the other Phirelis, said quickly flying in front of it facing sideways to get a view of all the contestants.

Just as he swung forward to go through the cloud monster, It swooped him into it's hands holding him upside down with his face buried in it's fist.

Everyone was scared and flew a little back.

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