Epilogue (Unknown POV)

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Staring in the smooth sheer surface of the small pond the cold fury burning in my chest, I wanted her. I had done everything in my power to make sure they failed, and yet somehow nothing worked. Obviously I underestimated by a bond does to the mind. I had imagined it to be something closer to a tight glamour spell, which was easily broken by the truth.

My hands tightened on the soft grass that spotted the sandy area that surrounded the small pond, reeds poked up from the farthest side in the shallower part. They rustled signalling the winds, the water's surface began to ripple and the image faded away into the murky pit. Slowly I rose glaring down at the water, it had all been so perfect.

He had surprised me in the beginning, I trusted men to capture her and surprisingly enough they had failed against that weak child. Professionals they had called themselves and yet they couldn't take down a Fae and capture a weakened beast. It was disgraceful to the name Hunters. I turned from the water's edge and made my way up a small hill to where my escort was waiting with the two steads.

"And?" he asked his voice low and soft spoken.

My hands balled until my pointed fingernails dug their way deep into my palm the soothing rip of pain sent shudders down my spine. I took a deep breath in before looking back at him, "Another Failure." I bit the words out through clenched teeth.

He bowed his head to me in an apologetic manor, I walked forward removing my fingernail from my hands where the deep dark red blood that almost seemed black dripped along the bright green grass. I grabbed the crop from the saddle on my right gripping the tight leather bound rod.

"Look at me" I commanded, and he rose up straight looking me straight in the eye.

I brought the crop down right across his face, he didn't move except for the slight turn of his head. Blood began to drip from the corner of his mouth where his lip had split from the strike. A large red print was already showing across his cheek, I smiled reaching out with my other hand to gently touch the mark savoring the pain in his eyes.

"I want her Titus." Slowly his eyes closed and he gave a very small nod of his head.

"Reim and I will go back, we will retrieve her for you." He rose to his feet keeping his arms at his sides the reigns of both horses clutched in his fists.

I stepped back turning to face the grey and white stead on his right, keeping him in my peripherals. "And how do you think to do that? When all my other attempts have failed" My jaw clenched with the building rage.

I had done everything possible to make her want to leave, I had replaced the medical instruments with silver, pushed the Council to torture that brat Raven Shardae, I had even encouraged the murder of the old fool Oberon. Everything was working, it had been working. Avalon had been so close to collapsing, and then she would have been mine.

"We will merely enter the grounds as soldiers there to learn. With the public broadcast across the courts we will be unassuming and practically invisible"

We stood in silence, neither one spoke or moved for a few minutes. I turned bringing the crop down across his face again watching him nearly drop to his knee's with the strike. Blood began to well up from the gash that travelled up his cheek now.

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