Part 1.4: A New Year's Eve Tragedy II

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I wanted to call Aiden, but Mom said that I should wait a few days before doing so. I understood: He was going through a lot of things, and I'm sure his mother would not appreciate company. Instead I called Ian. He had, of course, heard the outcome. He came over to the house and we just sat around talking about Richie. Nobody had called Ian that night, and he was a bit upset at that, but I told him they had probably only called me because I had spent the night there beforehand and was one of the last few people to see Richie. This calmed him a bit.

I turned the TV on but quickly turned it off, because all they were talking about was the tragedy. Ian decided we should go outside for air. I agreed: I needed to be outside. I also really, REALLY needed a cigarette and didn't dare smoke one at home now because everyone in my family kept poking their heads into my room to see if I was OK or to ask if I'd heard from Aiden. We started walking, and out of habit we were headed in the direction of the beach. Once we got there we could see the police tape over across the water, on the trees in Aiden's back yard. We walked up onto the road from the beach and started walking toward Aiden's house. I don't know why we did – we didn't have any plans to, nor did we make a conscious decision. We just went that way.

As we rounded a turn and Aiden's place came into view we could see a moving van in the driveway. We quickened our pace and got to the driveway. The van was being loaded by two men, one of whom I had recognized as Bryon, Aiden's mother's boyfriend. The other I had never met, but he was clearly Bryon's brother. He had the same red hair and freckles, but he wore glasses and was a bit younger.

We walked up, and I asked "What's happening? Where's Aiden? Where's his mom?"

Bryon looked at me, sadness and anger apparent in his eyes, and answered "They had to leave. They couldn't stay here anymore".

"What? Where are they going? Why are they leaving so suddenly?"

A flash of anger crossed Bryon's face and he turned away and went into the back of the van.

His brother answered: "They're coming to stay with us. They're leaving because they're being kicked out. Their landlord did not like having all the police and reporters around here last night, so he told Aiden's mom they had to move out. He gave them until the end of the month, but she wanted to leave today."

He looked across the yard at the lake, and added "I can't say as I blame her, really. I couldn't imagine having to look at that lake ever again after what happened"

Ian looked scandalized. "But it's New Year's Day! Her kid just died! Who could kick somebody out after something like that happened!"

Bryon was still in the back of the van and shouted "That's what I said! That piece of shit landlord of hers is lucky he's not here!"

I looked around and said "What, he's not even here? Where is he?"

We heard a sound from inside that sounded suspiciously like somebody punching a van.

Bryon's brother said "He left as soon as he saw us get out of the van. We went down into the apartment, and when we came back up his car was gone. He's likely afraid of being torn apart."

"And well he should be!" was heard coming from the van.

"Anyway, fellows, we've got to get back to work. I'll tell Aiden you stopped by. What are your names?"

Ian answered "Ian".

I said "Carmen".

When I did, he gave me a knowing look and said "Ok, Carmen and Ian. I'll tell him. I'm Carman, too, by the way. I'm sure you already know Bryon."

I said "Yeah, we've met. Tell Aiden to call me as soon as he can..."

I then glanced over at Ian and added "Us, I mean. Tell him to call us."

"Ok", Carman said, "But it might take a while. He's not in a good place right now, as I'm sure you understand."

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