Part 3.2: He Wants It Too!

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********CONTENT WARNING******** Vaguely depicts sexual acts

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********CONTENT WARNING******** Vaguely depicts sexual acts. Due to the ages of the characters these acts are not described in detail but they are strongly hinted at.

Colin was gone most of the day, so I just hung around the house and read some of the car magazines that had come for me. When he came in he went straight downstairs, so I followed him to his room. When I walked in behind him I saw him stuff something into his dresser. I couldn't see what it was, he was blocking my view with his body. When he turned around he was startled to see me there, and was acting weird, kind of avoiding looking at me.

"So did you talk to him?", I asked

"What? Oh, yes. Yes I did."


"He wants to meet you."

"And the stealing?"

"What? What stealing?"

"Colin! I told you I saw him stealing, and you said you'd talk to him about it!"

"Oh, that. Yeah, I talked to him. He said not to worry about it, he won't steal if you don't want him to."

"And won't he?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you know him. If he says he won't, does that mean he won't?"

"I think so. Anyway you can ask him yourself. He wants to meet you at the Town Center arcade tomorrow after school."

I was elated. "Really? That's awesome!" Then I suddenly got very nervous. "You'll come too, won't you?"

"What? No! Nooope! This is your thing!"

"Please? I don't even know him!"

Colin finally looked straight at me, for the first time since he got home. He was smiling. "No, I'm not coming with you. How do you think he'd take it if you show up at your first date with him with your ex hanging around?"

"But you're not my ex!" I said. "We weren't even boyfriends or anything!"

"That's not what I told him. Anyway, I'm not coming. Just go there after school and meet him. You'll be OK. He really likes you and won't hurt you."

"How do you know that?"

"Because he told me so, and I told him that if he hurts you I will kill him."

I was flushed.

"Just go. You'll do fine. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to lie down for a while."

With that he laid down on his bed and closed his eyes. I wasn't satisfied. I had one more burning question.

"Wait a minute. You told him I was your ex?"

He opened his eyes and rolled them. "Yes", he said.

"But how does that work? What did..."

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