Part 6.4: Feeding Frogs and Other Silliness

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We embraced and kissed there in the moonlight on the shore of the lake for an eternity, and I was in heaven. Finally we broke it off and said our goodbyes for the evening. It was getting late and we both needed to get home. As Bruce left me at my car we made arrangements to meet there again tomorrow night. I was starting to feel good about myself and the future for the first time in a very long time. I was finishing my apprenticeship, was happy at work, had decent money, and now, it seemed, I was finally finding the companionship I so badly wanted and needed. I won't say it was love yet, but it was definitely infatuation, and for now that was good enough for me. I was on top of the world, and nothing would get me down.

The next day I could hardly concentrate at work. I only had this evening's meeting with Bruce on my mind. I managed to get through the day, though, and right after supper I jumped into the Cougar and headed to the lake. This was a Friday night, so no work tomorrow. We could stay out together as long as we wanted. I didn't even bother taking out the fishing rod this time, I just walked over to the point and sat down on the retaining wall, my legs dangling over the water. I had been there for maybe 10 minutes, looking around at all of the people, when I heard a voice behind me.


It wasn't Bruce this time, though the voice did sound vaguely familiar. I turned around and was surprised to see a pair of younger guys there. One of them was very tall and was sporting bleached blonde hair, and was quite pudgy. He looked very soft, like somebody who had been coddled his entire life, and he definitely set my "gaydar" pinging. He was very well dressed, though. This was money.

Beside him was a slightly younger guy, shorter, with dark hair and eyes and light brown skin, dressed from head to toe in blue denim. He was almost startlingly good looking. I was just about to say "Do I know you?" when I saw, parked out on the road behind my Cougar, a blue Corvette. It clicked just then.

"Kyle?" I said.

The big blonde guy smiled. "That's me!" He said.

I looked at the other guy. "So that must make you..."

"Devin", Kyle answered. Devin gave me a shy look and nodded.

I jumped up and ran over to Kyle. I offered him my hand, which he took and shook vigorously.

"Holy shit! I'm so happy to finally meet you two!"

"Yeah, and us you!" Kyle said. He released my hand and we just stood there chatting for a few minutes. Kyle looked around and said "You're not fishing, though? I thought you were always fishing."

"Well, I usually am, but I also come here sometimes just to think. It's my favourite spot."

"I can see why, it's a nice place", Devin said. His voice had a faint accent that I couldn't quite place. It only made him sexier.

I looked back at Kyle. "I'm here for a different reason tonight, though." I lowered my voice, and added "I'm waiting for a date."

"Oho! Who's the lucky guy?"

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