Part 7.15: Sealing It With A New Year's Kiss

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As 1999 was coming to a close we started going to the bar less often, since neither of us was into drinking or crowds, but Derrick and/or Mel usually succeeded in dragging us out at least every other week

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As 1999 was coming to a close we started going to the bar less often, since neither of us was into drinking or crowds, but Derrick and/or Mel usually succeeded in dragging us out at least every other week. On the big night, Dec 31, 1999, we had made plans to go to the bar to celebrate ringing in the new millennium. This was a once-in-a-lifetime event that we had all been looking forward to, and the bar was promising a huge invitation-only party. Because we were such regulars we all had invitations. Nothing could keep us away.

Nothing at all, except that on the evening of Dec 31 Troy was informed that he would have to work. He worked at a large all-you-can-eat buffet with a big bar, and they wanted all hands on deck for the inevitable crowds. He did not know this when he went in to work that evening – his shift was supposed to end at 9:00, but just as he was getting ready to clock out his manager told him he'd have to stay. He called me.

"Hey babe, I have bad news. I have to work tonight."

"What? Why? I thought you were off at 9!"

"I was supposed to be, but they're making us all stay. It's going to be crazy busy."

"They can't do that! Just leave!"

"I can't, I'll be fired. They've already told everyone that anyone who leaves will not be coming back."

"But that's not fair! We had plans! The party!"

"I know. I'm sorry, but I can't do anything. I need this job. At least I'll have good tips tonight though. I've already gotten over $300, and people aren't even really drunk yet."

"Yeah, I guess..."

"You don't have to stay home! Go out with Derrick and Mel!"

"No thanks. I don't want to babysit two drunks. I guess I'll just stay home alone."

"I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you. You won't be alone though, you'll have Murph there."

"Yeah, it has always been my wildest dream to spend New Years Eve 1999 at home alone with a kitten. Lucky me, my dreams have been fulfilled."

"Oh, come on, don't be like that. I can't help it. I certainly don't want to be here."

"I know. I'm not mad at you. That shithole you work for sucks though. What time do you think you'll be home?"

"Probably around 1. We're gonna kick everyone out and start winding things down after the countdown."

"Ok, I guess I'll see you then. I'll just watch the countdown on TV with Dick Clark."

"We can watch it together. Remember, New York is an hour behind us, so their countdown will be at 1:00 our time. I should be home by then."

"Yeah, Ok. I'll see you later on then. I... Bye then..."

I hung up the phone. I was utterly disappointed, but I knew it wasn't Troy's fault. Still, it sucked to think that an event that I had been looking forward to since I was a kid, the turning of the millenium, would be spent at home with a cat. I decided to break the news to Derrick, so I called him.

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