Part 1.5: Shut Down

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When Aiden's mother and the others approached us Carman introduced me to his own mother, whose name was Betty. I shook hers and Bryon's hands, and looked at Aiden's mom. She looked very sad, but didn't say a word. I looked at the ground and was beginning to think that maybe she did resent me after all, when suddenly she strode forward and embraced me in a tight hug. This was too much, and I started sobbing.

"Mrs G, I'm so sorry about what happened. I don't even know what to say".

She held me tighter. I could feel her sobbing. I put my arms around her and returned the hug, sending her positive feelings with my mind, and we just stood there hugging each other for what seemed like forever.

Finally she broke off the hug, wiped her tears, and said "Oh, Carmen, we're so glad to see you. I'm sure Carman told you about how Aiden is dealing with things. I hope seeing you will cheer him up".

I looked at her, amazed. She was putting on hold her own grief over losing her youngest son in order to try to help her oldest. A surge of affection washed over me and I wanted to hug her again.

Instead, Betty piped up. "We'd better go inside, dear. I'm sure you're anxious to see Aiden."

I was, but I was also having doubts. Why hadn't he even bothered to come out with the rest to meet me? A sudden urge to jump back into the car and insist on being driven home hit me, but I couldn't do that. Instead, I said "Yeah, where's he at?"

Carman, who was just coming from behind the car after retrieving my things, said "He'll be in his bedroom. I'll show you where it's at".

We went into the house. I thought it looked like a cool house from the outside. I was not prepared for the inside! The others stayed in the front entrance and Carman led me on a quick tour. It was thoroughly modern but filled with antique furniture, and it was enormous. Every piece of trim looked like it cost what our whole house did. Six bedrooms, each having its own full bathroom. A kitchen bigger than any I'd ever seen, with built-in wall ovens and two refrigerators. A dining room bigger than my family's living room. The living room was huge as well, with a full wall bookshelf on one end and a huge TV set with high end stereo gear at the other. A second living room (they called it the "study") loaded with more books. Had I been there under happier circumstances I'd have been staring at everything in awe. Instead I was dreading the end of the tour, which of course would be Aiden's bedroom. Sure enough, we headed down a short but wide hallway with a peaked ceiling that obviously led to one of the additions to the main house. At the end of this hallway was a closed door. Carman walked up to this door, set my stuff down, and knocked. Silence. He knocked again, and said "Aiden? Carmen's here".

There was another silence, and Carman and I looked at each other. He had just shrugged his shoulders like he had given up when we heard "Come in".

Carman mouthed "Good luck" and walked away down the hall. I walked over to the door, turned the antique knob, and pushed it open. I then picked up my luggage and entered. The room had the same peaked ceilings that the hallway did, but taller and wider. There were two dormer windows facing onto the back yard, both of them with blinds drawn. At the far end there were two more doors: One was a closet, one was a bathroom. It was dark and musty in there, with a vague smell of body odor. Along one wall was a dresser with a TV set and clock radio on it. Between the two windows was a queen sized bed with a bedside table on each side, and on that bed there was a lump balled up under the covers.


I stood there for a moment holding my luggage, not sure what I should do. I decided the direct approach was best. I set the luggage down and walked over to the bed. I sat down next to the lump. It did not stir.

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