Part 2.2: The Truth Comes Out and a Promise is Made

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"Huh?" I asked. "What do you mean, they're not your parents?"

"what I mean is that they're not my real parents. I'm adopted. I spent most of my life in group homes and orphanages with no family. When I was eleven years old this couple came and took me in as a foster kid. They had one kid, but couldn't have any more so they went shopping for one. They said they wanted an older brother for their kid. Really they wanted a distraction and a babysitter. Eventually some stuff happened there and I was returned to the group home. I didn't care, it's not like they were family. Every day I was reminded that I was second fiddle. Their kid got everything he wanted, I got ignored."

I gulped. A revelation, for sure, but not really the answer I was looking for. "Ok", I said. "So you're adopted. What's that got to do with stealing?"

He gave me a bitter look. "As I said, all of my life I was bounced around between orphanages and group homes. I didn't make any friends because every one of those places was only temporary. When I got bounced back to that group home I had barely anything at all, and whatever I did get was often taken from me by the bigger kids. I learned that if I wanted something I had to take it. It was easy. Just walk into a store like you own the place, grab what you want, and leave. Don't try to be sneaky, that'll just draw attention to yourself. Just walk in, pick up what you want, and walk out like it's your God-given right. It happens so fast they don't have the time to react."


"Quiet. You wanted the truth, right? Well, here it is. Eventually, when you hit the same store so many times, they start to expect you and they set traps. That's how I started to get caught. The first time I was caught they gave me a lecture. Didn't even call the orphanage, just barred me from the store. I was too young to have charges laid anyway. Since I didn't really get into trouble I just kept right on stealing from different stores. I got caught a few more times, but again nothing happened. Eventually, one time I got caught, but this time I was over 12 so I got charged, and I got probation. 

The orphanage sent me to a 'halfway house'. It's kind of like a group home but for 'troubled kids'. I wasn't troubled though, I just liked free stuff. Eventually this other couple adopted me out of the group home. Of course I kept on stealing, but I became more careful not to get caught. I was getting bolder though. One time I was lurking around an empty cash register at the K-Mart hoping for a chance to steal some smokes, when I decided to start playing with the cash register. To my surprise, the cash drawer opened! I could hardly believe my luck – I grabbed a fistful of 20's and ran. I got outside and counted the money. Almost $300! And it was so easy! 

I stayed away from that store for a while and returned to my usual stuff: Smokes, pop, chips, etc. Eventually I missed the thrill of that cash, though, so I tried my luck back at the K-Mart. This time, though, I got caught. Cops came and everything. I was charged again, and convicted again. I had just finished my probation from the first time. They gave me more probation. My adopted parents didn't know what to do with me, so they didn't really do anything. I became a little more cautious, staying away from the cash registers, but I kept right on stealing. I didn't even feel bad about it. It was the only way for me to get anything in life. 

My adopted parents were beside themselves, trying to think of ways to stop me from stealing. They decided to try giving me everything I could want. For the first little while it worked. They bought me toys, candy, games, even cigarettes, and for the time being I didn't feel like stealing. It didn't take long for the novelty to wear off, though, and I was soon forgotten. It was like I didn't exist anymore, unless I was needed for something, usually to babysit their biological kid. I soon tired of this, so I started spending all of my time at the mall. Not the Town Center mall here, but Downsview. 

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