Part 4.9: Drinking and Diabetes

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Both of us stopped spraying but our water guns were still pointed at each other. "What?", I asked.

"It's Trevor. 'E wen' behind the building to puke, and 'e 'asn't come back!"

I looked at Dale, and he looked at me with dread. "Truce!" I shouted and dropped the water gun. As I started running to the back of the building I heard Dale's water gun hit the floor and he was running behind me. When we got around to the back side a terrible sight was before us: Trevor, covered in puke, lying on the ground and convulsing. He was having a seizure!

"Holy shit! Trevor! What do we do?" Dale started shouting.

"We've got to get him to the hospital right now", I said.

"Th' 'ospital's closed, it's after 11" Rodney said. He was right. The Cobequid emergency centre in Sackville closed at 11PM every night.

"Fuck!" I shouted. What to do, what to do. "Ok! We'll drive him to Halifax. First we've got to get him into the truck. Dale and Rodney, get that puke covered coat off of him. I'll bring the truck over."

They did what I told as I brought the truck around. I opened the rear tailgate and flipped the seats down to create a big wide bed area. "Ok, let's get him inside".

The three of us picked him up and loaded him into the truck. He was still convulsing, almost like he was fighting us, and he was surprisingly strong.

"I'll sit in back with him", Dale said.

"Good. Rodney, you get in the shotgun seat. We've got to go." The hospital in Halifax was a half hour away, and that's if you know how to find it. I had never driven in the city before and had no idea. I started pulling out of the driveway and was about to turn left to go to Halifax.

"Wait!" Dale said. "What about the fire hall?"

Yes! The fire hall! There would be firefighters there, and probably a paramedic.

"Good idea" I said, and turned right instead. The fire hall was only four kilometers from the Rubber Duck, and I covered those four kilometers in record time. I had never driven so fast. I pulled into the parking lot and drove right up to the door, which was was locked. Dale started pounding on it and I started pressing the doorbell button. After an eternity the door swung open. It was a very cranky looking fireman.

"What do you want?" He asked.

We all started talking at once.

"Calm down! One at a time!"

I looked at Dale and Rodney. They were quiet, so I explained as fast as I could. As I was talking Rodney walked around and opened up the tailgate, revealing Trevor. He was curled up in the back and still convulsing.

"Holy shit!" the fireman said, and he hollered back into the fire hall. Within seconds a bunch of firemen piled out of the building. The big door for the fire trucks opened up, and they carried Trevor inside. We started to follow them in when the original fireman said "No, wait. You guys don't go in there, you'll only be in the way. Come with me."

He led us to a room that was set up like a living room.

"Sit", he commanded. We sat.

"Now, tell me what happened. Everything."

I told him everything from the moment I picked Trevor up to the present, including the hamburger fight.

"Where did he get the booze?"

None of us knew.

"Was he drunk when you picked him up?"

I thought about it. "Yes", I said, "But he just kept getting drunker. I don't even remember really seeing him drinking anything, at least not since we picked him up, but he was getting more and more belligerent."

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