Part 7.14: Dirty Devin

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James was looking at me with tears forming in the corners of his eyes

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James was looking at me with tears forming in the corners of his eyes. "You think I don't know that? Or that I won't be devastated too? Believe me, this isn't easy for me to do. I really do love him. You might not think so, knowing that I've cheated on him, but I do. I love him enough to know that I can't be with him. I'm only hurting both of us by staying."

I put my arm around him. "I know. It can't be easy. But I know you're right."

"Promise me you'll take care of him when I've gone?"

"I can only promise that I'll try. I'll still hang around with him and try to keep an eye on him, but I think you know he won't be caged."

"I hope he won't", James said. "I've caged him enough, and I've hurt him. Anyway, let's get back inside. Our boyfriends are waiting for us."

We walked back inside, found a table near the dance floor, and sat and watched Derrick and Troy dancing together. I smiled. They seemed to be getting along quite well. The song they were dancing to ended so they headed toward our table.

In the brief interlude between songs a pair of hands suddenly covered my eyes.

"Guess who!" a voice said from behind me.

"Well, your hands smell like dirty cock", I said, "so I'm gonna go ahead and guess Mel. Or, at the very least, somebody who's been handling Mel's dirty cock. So, I guess, it could be just about anybody."

The hands disappeared from my eyes just in time to see James nearly snort his whole beer out through his nose. I then felt a slap in the back of my head.

"You bitch!" Mel said with a laugh. Then: "Ooh! Who's that with Derrick?"

"That is Troy, Carmen's..."

As they arrived at out table James was cut off by Mel. "Oh hey, sexy! Wanna fuck?"

Now it was my turn to blow my whole glass of Coke out through my nose. Troy was as red as a beet.

"Jesus, Mel! Relax!", I said. "This is Troy, my boyfriend."


Mel was squealing like a stuck pig.

"Yes! This is Brayden28 from the channel. The guy I've been talking to and talking about for the past several months."


"Yes, I do!"

Mel calmed down enough to start talking normally again. Well, normal for Mel. He looked at Troy and said "So! Have you two bumped uglies yet?"

"What?" Troy asked.

"You know, have you..." He then made a gesture with his hands indicating sex.

"OH MY GOD MEL WILL YOU SHUT UP!" Derrick yelled, and cuffed Mel on the back of the head. "We can't bring you anywhere! Behave!"

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