Part 3.1: Enter David

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Just as Colin had turned his head that kid had looked at us

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Just as Colin had turned his head that kid had looked at us. His face brightened up with recognition and he started walking toward us. Colin looked panicked. "Fuck. I didn't know he was here."

I started to ask, "Who is..." but didn't get to finish. The kid had walked right up to our table. My God, what a sexy walk! He really was short – very short – but looked well proportioned. I pried my eyes off of his bulge long enough to look at his face. He had a square jaw, a wide smile, bright green eyes that exaggerated that smile, and he was beaming at Colin. His close cut brown hair revealed a little bit of a curl.

"Colin! It's you! I can't believe it! Where have you been?"

Colin looked mortified. "Hi, David."

David came around the counter and sat down on the edge of Colin's seat, across from me. He started chattering away like a squirrel at Colin. Colin didn't appear to be happy, but I hardly even noticed. I could not take my eyes off of this beautiful creature that had just sat down. He was sitting wide-legged on the edge of the seat, and if his bulge looked big while he was standing it now looked huge. He must have sensed me looking at him, because he then turned to me and said "And who is this?"

He had to have noticed that I was staring at his privates, but he didn't bat an eye. The smile didn't fade and the excitement was still in his eyes.

"I'm Carmen..." I said.

"... A friend of mine", Colin said. "My foster brother, actually. What do you want?"

I thought this sounded rude, but David was unperturbed.

"I just moved back here with Dad. I can't believe you're here too! I thought I wouldn't see you again!"

He chattered on for several more minutes, talking about nothing in particular. The energy this kid had! But it was very clear that what he had in energy he lacked in attention span, because he scarcely finished a sentence before starting another one. I was basking in his energy, my gaze returning to his crotch as he chattered on at Colin. I could look at this guy forever. Finally he ran out of chatter and stood up. "I've gotta be going. Look, keep in touch, will you? Here, I'll give you my number." He then grabbed Colin's hand, pulled a purple marker out of those tight pants, and wrote his number on the back side of it. He then flitted off into the store. He reminded me of a hummingbird. I watched that beautiful ass as he went. Colin must have noticed me staring, because he said bitterly "Cute, isn't he?"

I turned to face Colin. He had a funny look on his face, and he was absentmindedly rubbing the back of his hand where the number was written. Was he jealous? I ignored the question and countered with one of my own.
"Who the hell was that?"

"That", Colin said, "is David. We met at Waterville. He was already there when I got there. People were picking on him because he was so small, and I kind of stuck up for him."

"He's hot", I said. I had meant to just think it, but spoke it.

"You think so?" Colin said bitterly, but he quickly relaxed. "Yeah, I suppose he is. We were fucking around at Waterville."

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