Chapter 4.8-Jungkook

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I expected I would be jealous when Yoona began reconnecting with our other soulmates on a physical level but it was oddly the opposite. Each time seemed to strengthen our overall bond and served as a reminder that each of us wanted the same thing. To be tied closely with our soul group, together forever.

It didn't hurt that as Yoona was exploring the physical bond with each of our soulmates they were spending those same nights connecting with me. I knew many of our soulmates had returned to being intimate in pairs and small groups, but I'd spent every night with Yoona in my arms and in my bed, so I hadn't had the same opportunities to pair off and return to my other soulmates full affection.

I knew they all saw me differently now. I had become a man, no longer the child I was six years ago. Nonetheless I still preened when they called me baby boy and allowed me to return, if only for short periods of time, to the wide eyed innocence of my youth. They would gently take the lead and guide me in our connection, focused on making me feel warm and safe.

I felt myself being filled up with good memories that were slowly crowding out the difficulties we'd gone through. It was a wonderful and delicious time of reconnection.

Everyone had moved back into the house and Hobi had assured us that even though he felt like he wanted to still stay close to the family he made while we were apart he was fully committed to us and to the children. It seemed that each of us were discovering that the children were the other part of our missing piece. They were very slowly but surely blossoming under our care.

Namjoon had gotten tutors for the boys, wanting to ensure they kept up with their education but were able to stay at home. While Hyunjin and his family remained behind bars we still worried about sending them out to school unattended. Each evening Namjoon would sit down with both of them to talk about what they had learned and what they wanted to learn next. Dinner was increasingly being served later and later because nobody wanted to interrupt their beautiful discussions where Namjoon opened up the world to them.

All of the children were slowly learning sign language. Jiwon and Koya, who he had claimed as his own, now regularly joined Taehyung and Yoona for her lessons. Jiwon was so incredibly shy that I think he enjoyed finding a way where he too could communicate without having to be so forward as to speak actual words. Jiwon and Yoona practiced often and had grown closer over the weeks they had been with us.

We'd also gotten counseling for both of the boys. Yoongi would go with Jihoon and Jimin with Jiwon. Jihoon had become less belligerent over time but it was quickly clear that many of the things he'd been taught under Hyunjin's care needed to be addressed. He was slowly beginning to realize that there was a less violent and angry world that he could live in, and he was just beginning to show evidence of embracing this new reality. I still took him boxing with me whenever possible. The outlet did him well and he always came back a bit sunnier than when we left.

Jina was adored by everyone. She still would toddle after Taehyung wherever he went but was happy to be with anyone who picked her up and paid her attention. She'd gotten into a bad habit of sleeping in one of our beds. The few times we tried to move her to her own bed she wailed so pitifully it was only a few minutes before someone rescued her. Eventually we abandoned even trying, knowing we had a few softhearted soulmates that simply were unable to hold firm as soon as the first crocodile tear appeared.

Even with everything that was going right there was still one thing that we hadn't been able to do yet. We wanted to reunite Yoona with her parents. They'd done a few video calls but we could see her aching to hug them and be in the same space. Yoona wasn't up to traveling to Europe and her parents were without passports, a factor of their quick departure and Hyunjin's control over them. Achingly slowly their paperwork was moving through the local Korean embassy. We did everything we could to see it expedited, but it was clear that this was where BTS's influence ended. We absolutely could not get the system to move more quickly.

This afternoon Yoona and I were going to go on a date. Our soul group had sent me with a very important question to ask her. I was nervous but knew it needed to be done. We first went for a stroll in the park and then found a quiet corner in a coffee shop where we could enjoy staring out the window at the passing traffic. After a few minutes I reached out to touch her hand to get her attention and handed her my phone. I'd already written what I wanted to say before we left.

My dearest baby girl,

I am so happy we are together. I know it has been a long and painful journey for all of us but each day you show us how to toss off any limits and keep moving forward. You truly are the perfect last soulmate to complete us.

So much of the last few years has been about surviving but I feel like now we have the chance to thrive instead. If you envision your best life, what does that look like? Do you want to have a job? Do you want the rest of us to renew our commitment as a band and you can travel the world with us? Do you want to stay at home and raise our children? Do you have dreams we don't know about?

We know now that you can do anything. So much of what has happened in your life has happened to you rather than you steering your own life. Even over the last year we know that we've guided your recovery and therapy. Every single one of us would be happy to take care of you forever, but only if that's what you want. Just because you cannot hear and you prefer not to speak doesn't mean you shouldn't have a voice in the plans for your life and our soul group.

Please let me know what you want so we can work to open up those opportunities together and make sure we're being the best soulmates to you.

I don't think you'll ever truly understand how much we love you and how much joy you've brought to our lives. Now it's time for us to really show it.


Yoona looked up with tears in her eyes. I know she'd never really experienced having this much freedom in her life. Sure, we'd offered her a lot more freedom than Hyunjin ever would have, but she still largely deferred to our lead. We knew Yoona was incredibly smart and she was just as beautiful inside as out. It was time for her to decide what she wanted to do with all of her capabilities and for us to make that dream come true.

This would be the final piece of our soulmate puzzle.

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