Ch. 7

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"If you tell anyone about who we are... You will gain no second chance."

The college student flinched as the driver turned around to stare at her from under their mask and sunglasses, trying to show none of her fear.


"Yeah, I understand."

The person nodded, unlocking the doors to the car.

The girl quickly scrambled out of the car, startling as the car began to speed off as soon as she closed the back door.


She sighed as she watched the car disappear from her view, shivering as she crossed her arms.

Thankfully it wasn't raining but... It was still too cold for a t-shirt.

She glanced around, her eyes widening at the buildings, "I'm... near my school..."

Few people were out at this time of evening, and the girl started walking towards the light to try and find out which street she was on.

'Hmm... If I go straight from here... I should make it to the dorms...'

The girl put her hands in her sweatpants pockets, staring at the sidewalk as she walked to avoid any unwanted eye contact from the average walkers.

After a few minutes of walking, the number of college students leaving their evening classes increased, the girl seamlessly slipping into the undergrad dorm building within her school's campus.

'Crap... I don't have my keys.'

The girl prayed that her roommate was in their dorm, the passing students paying her no mind as she walked to the designated room.

Knock Knock...



Knock Knock...




The girl let out a puff of air, trying the front door handle.


The door opened easily, the college student staring in confusion, 'did she not lock the door?'

She locked the door and went into their shared bedroom, seeing that her roommate's bag was on her chair, her work hat and apron gone from where she usually hung them. The other side held the girl's belongings, phone and keys on her desk.

She grabbed her phone, "it's six... She should have finished her shift by now."

'Maybe she's running late?'

She scrolled through the notifications, somewhat glad her parents had not tried to contact her.

Considering she was in school abroad... She rarely texted her parents unless it was someones' birthday or a holiday, so they wouldn't have known she had been... gone... for the past two months.

Although she was shocked to see nothing school-related within her messages or emails, considering she had missed two months of her fall quarter...

It was as if her school didn't know she disappeared.

"Maybe they covered it up?"

She shook her head, slipping her phone in her pocket as she grabbed her keys, finding a jacket to wear before going back outside.

'I wonder what she will think...'

Although they were both foreign students in Korea, the girl and her roommate had not known each other beforehand. But considering that they were both new to the country when they first met, the two had gotten rather close these past couple years...

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