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"Hey uh... Can you wait here for me?"

Minju nodded, "of course, take your time."

Chaewon gave the younger girl a grateful smile, heading back outside into a neatly trimmed field.

She followed the directions the person at the front gave her, following a beaten down path down to a certain row of stones.

She gazed to stare at each engraved name as she passed, stopping at a particular name on a particular headstone.

The short-haired girl sat down in front of the grave.

"Hey Appa..."

Chaewon smiled, "how have you been? Eomma's not here because she's at work. I'm sorry I haven't visited you until now."


"And I'm also sorry for that one day where you had to see me all broken like that in my friend's body. She's okay, by the way."


"I just wish I could say one last goodbye to you... Maybe I can ask Kkura-unnie to say it for me, I don't think either of us fancy trying the possession out again."

Chaewon softly chuckled, "I uh- I don't know how time works wherever you are... But I turned twenty-two today."

"If only I didn't get kidnapped right? Then maybe I could have shared my twenty-first with you and Eomma, having my first shot of soju."

'And maybe then I wouldn't have to deal with all of this... Maybe you'd still be here...'

The girl weakly smiled, "but then... I wouldn't have met all the people I did..."

'I probably wouldn't have met Minju...'

"You probably would have liked Minju, she's really nice and caring... And she always makes sure we're all okay."




"I miss you..."



"So much..."

Chaewon stood up, brushing the dirt off her jeans only to startle from a sudden gust of wind.

She smiled, ruffling her hair back as she glanced at the headstone.

"I'll visit again soon, it's easy now because I'm not on some watchlist or anything... Maybe I'll bring Minju next time with Eomma."

The girl began to walk back to the main building of the cemetery, and it was as if a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders.

"Hey, thanks for waiting Minju-yah."

The younger girl smiled, slipping her hand into Chaewon's, "of course... You okay?"

"I feel much better."


The two giggled, jogging to not miss the next bus and jumping on right as the bus was about to leave.

They apologized to the driver, quickly slipping into empty seats.

"Hey, wanna go to Eunbi-unnie's place?"

"Don't you have class?"

"Nah not today, teacher's out."

"Then sure, I'm down."

The two settled down as the bus began to go, sharing earbuds as Chaewon rested her head on Minju's shoulder, Minju in turn resting her head on Chaewon's.

It was a silent ride, and the two thanked the driver when they arrived at the bus stop closest to Eunbi's flower shop.

"Huh? Guess Eunbi-unnie's not here..."

Chaewon stared in mixed surprise and confusion when Minju pulled out a key, which fit the lock to the flower studio's front door.

"Where'd you get that?"

"Eunbi-unnie gave it to me."

"What? When? Why?"

Minju chuckled, leading a confused Chaewon past the closed flowershop to the back where the door to Eunbi's house stood.

"You'll see."


Minju knocked a certain rhythm, opening the door to reveal... darkness?

The two headed inside, and Chaewon jumped in shock from the sudden flicker and addition of light.


The living room lit up to have everyone crowded in the middle, two of them holding the cake, a few holding a banner, another few holding party toys.

Chaewon stared in surprise, her heart fluttering in a nice way from all the smiles.

Minju gently pulled Chaewon by the crook of her elbow, leaving a soft kiss to her cheek.

"Happy birthday, Chaewon-unnie."



"Bruh what do you mean 'ew' you dumb dog you kiss Wonyoung all the time when we're around."

"Wh- I- we- you- Nako-unnie I do n-"

Wonyoung ruffled Yujin's hair, albeit a little flustered.

"Shhhh, be quiet you puppy."

"You guys... Did this all for me?"

"Heck yeah we did!"

"Why wouldn't we?"

Chaewon was overflowing with emotions, and she gave a big grin.

"Thank you... All of you."

"Of course!"

"Saku-chan and Eunbi-unnie are making food too."

"Sit, sit, get comfortable, both of you."

They all gathered around, and just from watching them today you wouldn't have known of the crazy stories on how they all met.

So finally, with laughter and smiles all around...

The group was complete....

And free...


Hello all! Thank you for joining me on this journey of "Prismatic Monsters", I really appreciate all the support that you have given me for this fic <3 Earlier within me posting this story, I had already finished writing another IZ*ONE fic, so stay tuned for that arriving at your destination Tomorrow :) Apologies in advance, the next one might become a heart-throb for some of you (it was to me writing it)(but as always, a happy ending! Because they deserve it).

Once again, thank you all, and stay tuned for more~ - Minah <3

[SIDE NOTE] Also I realized too late that, based on the timeskips, at some point in the story Yujin and Gaeul would have graduated high school alongside Minju graduating college... Which did not happen since Yujin's still at school after her dad's secret is found out. Woops.

~ ~ ~

"She doesn't talk."

"I don't think she can."

She glanced over before she started to drive, and [REDACTED] spoke again.

"She didn't talk to me once today, whenever she wanted to say something bigger than a simple 'me too' or 'okay', she typed on her phone."

[REDACTED] scratched her head, "I don't think I've ever heard her talk, I've seen her around before today but never heard her."

She then shrugged, "oh well, that's her story you know?"

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