Ch. 16

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Jjaeyeon: Kkura-chan?

Kkura: yeah?

Jjaeyeon: Are you free tonight? Hii-chan, Nako-chan, and I were planning to eat dinner at the mall.

Kkura: and you dont wanna be the third wheel?

Jjaeyeon: LOL that and well, I wanna hang out w you :)

KKura: awwww Jjaeyeon-ah~

Kkura: sorry I would love to, but I have a job offer at this school's career fest tonight :/

Jjaeyeon: Ohhh... When does it end?

Kkura: mmm 7pm? Maybe a lil later since I'm gonna be cleaning up too

The psychic waited, staring at her phone as Chaeyeon stopped texting. She had gotten an offer to put up a psychic booth during Starship High School's career festival, which she was getting ready for before Chaeyeon had texted her.


Sakura closed her bag, picking up her phone once more.

Jjaeyeon: The two are fine w that! They don't mind eating at that time :)

Jjaeyeon: Want us to pick you up?

Kkura: if you can!! The job's at Starship High School.

Jjaeyeon: Okk got it :)

The two continued to text until it was around time for the bus near Sakura's home to arrive, the Japanese woman looking around to make sure she didn't forget anything as she left her home.

The school gave her a free booth, they paid her, and she can freely watch their performances? Of course she'd say yes. And who knows, maybe she could help a kid today with any struggles they were dealing with...





"Hello, what is your name?"

Sakura smiled at the lady at the front desk, "Miyawaki Sakura? I'm here for the psychic booth during the career fest."

The woman skimmed through a checklist she had, "Miyawaki... Oh! Welcome Sakura-ssi. Thank you for coming, here is a map of the festival's area within the school, school staff are wearing their ID's so if you need any assistance, feel free to ask them."

She peeled off a sticker, "and here is your visitor pass, I hope you have a good night."

"Thank you so much, you too!"

Sakura placed the small sticker on herself, walking into the campus while checking the paper map. She quickly found her booth, greeting the two other booth holders next to her before setting up her purple tablecloth, setting down her materials, and pinning her name tag onto her shirt.

She had brought crystals. She wouldn't be able to sell them since it was a school-related event, but the students could win them with raffle tickets they get from the school's student council.

"Woah hey, don't you work at the mall?"

Sakura glanced at the person running the booth next to her, it seemed like something related to origami.

"Oh uh- yes, you know me?"

"I've passed by a few times! It seems really interesting."

The Japanese woman smiled, "aw thank you, your booth seems cool too. Origami is awesome."

Prismatic Monsters ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora