Ch. 33

141 21 2

Yujin slowed down as a big group of guards surrounded a tall man as they walked. And although his face was hidden since he was walking away...

She recognized that haircut.

'Oh my God...'

She walked up to blend in with the guards, the group seemingly heading towards the room she was supposed to be in.

She slipped off to the side without any of the real guards noticing, hiding behind large crates as she poked her head past them.

It was dark... But her blue trail had come back to show that Wonyoung was nearby.

"You may all leave."

'It... really is him...'

"But sir-"

"I can handle them."

The guards all nodded and bowed, leaving through the same door when the lights suddenly turned on.

Yujin's eyes widened at the scene.

Twelve cells near the middle of the room...

And the one closest to her was Wonyoung's.

"Hey, you came here for only three of us, let the others go!"

The man barely spared Yuri a glance, "you were always quite the talker... I'm afraid that isn't possible."

"M-Mr. Ahn...?"

The man glanced over, "ah... Wonyoung..."

He began to walk over and Yujin hid herself deeper in the pile of crates.

"I'm very sorry to hear that you got caught up in this mess, you were a very kind kid."

He chuckled, "but don't get mad at Yujin, she didn't know about any of this. I made sure neither she nor her mother would find out."

'So Mom doesn't know either...'

Yujin glanced down to see a wire connected to all the cells, following them with her eyes to find a power box.

'Damn it this mask makes me see even less than I already can.'

Although she knew the risk, Yujin took the mask off, setting it quietly down before standing up silently. She walked over while making sure the man, her father, couldn't see her, opening the box to see a switch and a few colored buttons.

'Shit, no labels... Fuck it.'

"What has gotten you so interested, Wonyoung? There is no one here but you all and m-"

The lights flickered as Yujin pulled down the switch, the bars of each cell dropping to free the girls.

"So there is someone with us... Show yourse-"

Mr. Ahn's eyes widened as Hyewon and Chaeryeong lunged at him, one with iron fists and the other with fire covering her hands.

He dodged them both, and all Yujin could do was watch from where she stood near the corner.

She didn't want her father to get hurt...

But he hurt her friends and so many other people so much...

And if he didn't get hurt... They'd get hurt even more.

So she stayed frozen in place, unable to make a move or a sound as she watched her father dodge the relentless amount of fury the two girls had.

The light in her father's eyes changed as he caught a glimpse of Yuri forming something within her hands from the sidelines, and with another dodge, he spoke.

Prismatic Monsters ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ