Ch. 12

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"Get home safely you two!"

"Thank you!"

A particular pink-haired girl waved as the two high school girls walked away, tilting her head with a smile as another woman came up to her booth.

"Why, good evening, a beautiful stranger I have never seen before."

The dancer flustered up, "hey, Kkura-chan."

Sakura laughed at Chaeyeon's reaction, beginning to quickly clean and lock up her belongings so the younger woman wouldn't have to wait long.

"What's with the sudden dinner plans though?"

"Are you busy?"

The Japanese woman shook her head, "not at all, although I figured you were the type of person to plan things out beforehand."

Chaeyeon shrugged, the duo beginning to walk out the slowly closing mall.

"I just wanted to talk... Have some dinner while we're at it, there's this new place that opened up a few days ago."

Sakura chuckled, "well, I think it'd be a very special night then."

As the younger woman tilted her head in confusion, the psychic smiled, "you just asked me out on a dinner date, no?"




"Ow- hey that hurt. I'm older than you, you know."

Chaeyeon looked away, her face beet red as Sakura rubbed her arm with a cocky smile.

"Stop joking around, Kkura-chan."

"If I was just joking, then why are you taking it seriously?"

"No I'm not."

"Would you like me to put a mirror up to your face? It's still red by the way."

Chaeyeon fanned her face, looking around in the dark parking lot, "how do you get to work? I don't think I've ever asked you that."

Sakura giggled at her change of subject, "I take the bus."

"At night too?"

She shrugged, "hey if something bad happens, I got spirits protecting me."

As Chaeyeon raised an eyebrow, Sakura laughed, "I'm kidding."

'I'm not kidding.'

"Well, my car is over there."

"Lead the way."

"Do you drive?"

Sakura shrugged as they walked to Chaeyeon's car, "I can, but I choose not to. Much easier and cheaper to use the bus or walk."

Chaeyeon nodded as she started her car, "any music you want to play?"

"I'm sure anything you listen to will be wonderful."

The Korean woman blushed, once again, pushing Sakura by her arm as she scrolled through her phone to find the restaurant address.

"My prediction is correct, I like this song too."

Chaeyeon mumbled with a still-flustered expression as she began to drive, "that's good..."

A comfortable silence surrounded them, the older woman lightly bobbing her head to the music as Chaeyeon took them to where their dinner would be held...

"Welcome, table for two?"


A worker led the way to a free table, the two women ordering water before starting to look at the menu.

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