Ch. 22

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"Sir, her internal temperature is going far past one hundred degr-"

"She'll be fine."

The worker hesitated, pressing a few buttons on the console. The girl inside the chamber began to breathe heavily, her hands shaking from the back of the chair she was tied in.

"How much more can her brain take?"

"Not a lot more... it's tapping into her deepest phobias so maybe just-"

"Crank it up to just below her limit."

"... Nae."

The man watched as smoke began to come out of the girl, her internal temperature higher than what an average human could handle.

"Sir I can't do-"

The worker sprung out of their chair as static suddenly filled the machine, the man continuing to watch the girl in the chamber.


The girl had burst into flames, the wires connected to her head shriveling away as the wooden chair she was on burned. The ropes holding her wrists burned away and she quickly stood up, trying to claw away at the fire.



A masked, geared-up man came in dragging a hose, barging into the room with the other man's permission before spraying the girl down.

'Oh? Even more interesting...'

The man walked in, staring down at the girl who was on her knees, breathing heavily as her body shook.

'Her hair changed from black to red...'

She seemed startled at her long hair, shakily holding one of her wet locks that fell across her face, seeing that her whole hair had changed color.

"W-what the..."

"A wonderful show of raw power."

The girl jumped, whipping her head up to face the man, "y-you..."

She scrambled up and backed away, "w-what do you want from me? What did you do to me??"

"You're a perfect replacement..."

The man paused his walking as the girl held her hand up, flames flickering up to cover her palms, struggling to burn bright with the water that drenched her.

"Don't worry, I won't harm you..."


He sighed, calling back out to the worker outside, "bring the boy," before glancing back at the girl, "I really don't like doing this... But I suppose this will hurt less than brute force."


The workers came holding a struggling boy, his hands covered with thick gloves, "h-hey let me go! What are you- ..."

The girl took a step back as the boy suddenly became breathless, "w-what did you do to him..."

The man smiled as he turned back around, slowly walking towards the girl.

"Don't worry, he'll be okay in a few minutes... I just needed his power for a bit."


She tried to lift her hand again, only to be sprayed with cold water.

"Easy now, we don't want to hurt her."

The girl tried to summon fire again, only to be left with smoldering smoke and a few sparks here and there.

"No no no wait-"

The man gently rested his fingers onto her forehead, and the girl froze.



"You work for me now... And you will only listen to my orders."

He let his hand fall as the girl's eyes dimmed, "dry up and meet me in my office, one of my guards will escort you."

"Yes... sir..."

The girl walked out with a guard who waited outside, looking as though she was sleep-walking.

"Bring the boy back to his area, let him rest."

"Yes sir."

The man walked out, heading to his office as he greeted workers who walked past him.

A few minutes passed with him skimming through a file before a knock produced.

He glanced up, "come in."

The same girl went inside, the guard from earlier waiting outside the door as she closed it. Without being drenched head to toe, her hair was a brighter red, her hands slightly roughened by her flames alongside a few scars around her arms.

"Welcome, sit, sit."

The girl sat down, glancing at the man with dull eyes.

"Out of all of your fellow peers here... You have shown the most potential. That being said, I want you to help me."


"You see... There's someone else like you, she held great potential but she ran away..."

The man leaned forward, "I want you to find her. But don't bring her back right away."

The girl tilted her head and he smiled, "ruin her mind in any way you can... She will come back willingly if she is broken... And knowing her, that'll be easy to do. You will be given any resources or people you will need here."


"But first, you will need a partner."

"A partner?"

The girl spoke, her voice seeming to return back to normal even with her dull eyes.

'So that's how his power works... She's becoming less of a puppet but still not under her own will...'

The man nodded, "yes, the people you need to deal with to find the girl are quite stubborn, you'll need someone who knows them."

"There's someone that knows them here?"

"No, but she is from here."

"How will I bring her back?"

The man chuckled, "there is a girl there she is very fond of... She'd do anything to protect her."


"I will provide you with information and anything you need."

"What's her name?"

"I'll give you her file. Use it as you will. But for today, rest, it has been a long day for you."

"Yes sir."

The man watched as the girl stood up to leave, nodding at the guard outside before going back to what was on his desk.

He grabbed a stamp, making a mark on the file before putting it away.

Subject ID: #LCR501





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