Ch. 21

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"Ah yahhh, you won again?"

"Just get better at MarioKart."

"Yena-unnie you're just slow."

"C'mon unnie what was that drift?"

"And you hit yourself with your own bananas so many times."




"Sorry unnie but yeah, that was kind of bad."


The two rabbits of the group watched in amusement as Yena bickered with Hyewon, Nako, Yujin, Hitomi, and Yuri on how much she (totally did not) suck at the racing game.

And of course, Eunbi was sipping on her Sprite.


On the kitchen counter, Sakura and Chaeyeon were playing a game of Chess, one of them constantly getting in check even with the other watching Yena get almost last place in MarioKart.

"Whattt, you're barely even paying attention."

Sakura chuckled, "but how do you know I'm not paying attention?"

Chaeyeon moved a piece to get her King out of check, "are the spirits helping you?"

The psychic made a motion with her hand, "the spirits always guide me."




"That was a joke."


"But checkmate, you shouldn't have moved your Rook."







A certain short-haired girl snapped out of her thoughts, glancing over at Minju, who gently shook her.

"Huh- yeah Minju?"

The frog tilted her head, "are you okay? You spaced out for a while."

"Oh uh..."

Chaewon looked away, "um..."

Minju stared in confusion as Chaewon glanced around, her eyes landing on the second oldest of the group.


The psychic glanced over while Chaeyeon continued to restart the Chess board.

"Yes, Chaewon?"

"You can see ghosts right?"

"Yes, I can see ghosts."

The radish twiddled her thumbs, "any ghost?"

Chaewon spoke up again when Sakura nodded, "is... Can you... see my dad?"

The room grew quiet, everyone listening into their conversation.

The Japanese woman glanced around, closing her eyes while her breathing slowed.


She then opened her eyes, staring a little behind Chaewon, "yes, he's here with us... But he has to leave soon."

A middle-aged man that looked very much like Chaewon nodded at Sakura.

"Can I... see him?"


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