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Truth or Dare

I wake up in the morning as soon the the fervor of rays blast my eyes.
I then hold tight to my crutches and walk slowly to the bathroom and wash my teeth, one of the crutch   on my right falls.
"oh come on!" I groan  irritated  , nothing is seem to be that simple for me and I hate it for that .I gradually extend my right arm and try to reach to the fallen crutch.
It's  still painful though, I  walk out from the lavatory to heldan's room, I don't know why I'm going to his room. Maybe to peeve him a speck?  I don't need to open up his  door room as it's already opened.
Is he  awake?
I continue to  walk and I stand on his door threshold.

I find him getting dressed,  I don't  close my eyes and I don't  say a word I watch him as he put his white pantyhose on , he is half naked — still with his black underwear that fit like a glove .
I freeze and he does not notice my presence.
The way his body looks when he is naked is to die for ——i am crazy for these, he has a body of a soccer player , but more like a young male model. Athletic.

Doctors never looked so good!

I bit my lower lip and my eyes traced on his behind, it's sexy — I now want to see it from the front.

A minute after, he pulls his grey trouser and turns directly at me he finally notice my presence. My eyes grow big when I peek over his front. . .


"Oh shit, can't you at least knock?" I roll my eyes. Why should I knock?

"The door was opened." I tell him, I've never seen him these irritated before, his forehead  furrows  and his lips curled."You were supposed to knock then."
"Come on don't be gay, you seem to forget I once saw everything down there." I grin and turn to walk to the passage as he says something under his breath .

He follows me to the kitchen , he help me sit on the counter and start to prepare our breakfast.
"So since I missed the movie of last night, I want you to tell me what happened."

"Well I didn't quite give it all my attention."
I shrug my shoulders.

Yeah. I do not remember what happened his cute is to blame —— and if I did I would still not tell him what was going on.

"But you said it was a awesome movie. . . I heard you mumble last night." I rose my eyes as I hear him say.
"What? Really. .. .when?"
"I came to your room last night, just checking up on you and baby girl you need to go to the therapist."I clear my throat, the 'therapist' part chokes me, he doesn't know that I had therapy _or does he. . .

"What's wrong? You good?"
"Of course I'm okay just uhm I uhm nothing."

"Oh okay."

"You sound gay." I tell him, a fake grin on my face .
"If I sound gay then why did you let me fuck you?"

this time I cough, how dare he say that? I don't want to remember my stupid 17 year old me getting laid by heldan. . . I was so damn young and stupid which had me end up. . . Oh god! My cheeks are burning a smile threatens to show up, I should not let this fool make me blush .
I ignore the feeling pounding of my chest.

"Yeah that's right." he gains a victory to shut me up, wow .

"Well I uhm I just uhm.... "

"You just uhm what?"

"My leg hurts."he laughs .

"You such a stubborn stupid woman."

"Don't say stupid."

"Yeah you are stupid."

he moves toward me and grab me into his arms I look at him right into his stares as he look at mine too,

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