Six Silver Objects

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I stepped on the beach to make sure I was steady enough to run. I was, so I ran to the look out and up the elevator to find Ryder on his pup-pad. "Ryder!" I said, out of breath I managed to say his name anyway. He looked at me before putting his pup-pad away. "What is it skye?" Ryder asks. "Sapphire.... Trouble!" I tried to say it but I couldn't because I was still out of breath. "Hold on, slow down. Take a breath first." He says petting me to try to calm me down. After a few minutes I spoke. "Some one trapped sapphire at the bottom of the ocean with netting tired to a rock." He looked shocked that some one would do something like that to her. "I saw a sub leave the scene, we tried to chase after it but it got away." I said explaining the situation. He went down the poll and followed me back to the beach. Zuma had his hovercraft turned into a sub. "Ready when you are Ryder!" Zuma said. They both went down to help sapphire.
Sapphire's POV
I watched the sub disappear from sight. Skye said she was going to get Ryder to see if he can help. We nodded and she left. The others tried to see if they can move me. "One two three!" Zuma said then all pulled at once. I didn't move. "An under water bola. Nice." I said sarcastically. The others had to go to the beach because it was getting dark. When they left I spotted something shinny deeper in the ocean. Well somethings. There was six things reflecting light, making me able to see them. Eventually I saw Ryder in zuma's sub. They used the sub's arm to free me from the bola. As we swam to the surface i thought of the six objects at the bottom of the bay. I stayed the night at the look out. I went up the elevator and saw Ryder looking at the stars. "Hey Ryder can I talk to you?" I asked walking to him. He turned around and said "sure. What do you wanna talk about?" He said sitting in one the bean bag chairs. I sat in one of them too. "When I was waiting for the pups to come get me I saw six things at the bottom of the bay. It's weird because I feel some kind of pull to them." He became worried. "Hmm lets get them to the look out tomorrow to have a look. Okay?" He said petting me behind the ears. "Okay."

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