Test Drive

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When it was done I jumped in the seat and looked at the controls. There were buttons everywhere. One of them looked to be the power button. I pushed it, and the truck turned on with a soft hum. Chase explained to me once how his police truck works. I put my paws on the flat steering wheel. It had rough spots on it so I keep a firm grip on it during a drive. I took both of my paws and on each side i pushed forward a bit. The truck started to roll forward at a slow pace. I let go and it stopped. I had enough common sense to know that if I went and pushed on the bottom I roll backwards. I was getting the hang of driving, but it scared me. What if I mess up on the field? I herd chase use the term while he was at a police station. I cleared my thoughts as I moved to the computer. It had a screen like the one at the top of the lookout. In the middle it had a wave icon, I took it as the button to turn into the underwater mode. I decide i was going to test it out. I slowly rolled towards the door, still trying to get the hang of driving. The door opened the upon sensing me near it. Using the rough pads, I turned the wheel into the direction I wanted to go. I went to the water ramp near the beach. I was starting to go faster as I went down. I jumped off the ramp and I quickly pushed the button. The front wheels disappeared, the back wheels turned outwards like propellers. I turned into a mer-pup so I could breath. When under water I saw that it was done. I sat back into the seat, it felt werid since I didn't have any back legs. I drove for a bit around the bay, getting to know how to control my vehicle. Then I decided that it was time to learn how to use my pup-pack. I stopped my sub, and swam away a little bit from it. "*bark* *bark* propellers." I said. My pup-pack then stretched out and small Zuma like propellers formed. They turned on and pulled me forward very fast. I went around some rocks for practice. It then dinged on me that the pups would be waking up soon. I looked around and saw my sub waiting for me.

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