The Runway Mer-pup

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Chase started to run around the look out, in horror and fear. Everyone he tried to run a different direction, I would already be there. He stopped for a breath, he kept trying to run but he didn't have any breath to do it. He herd howling behind him. And before he could turn around he felt a stinging pain in his neck. I bit his neck with magical teeth, so don't kill him. I still had some of my judgement left, some I used that instead of normal teeth which could have killed him. Chase went limp. It was only then that I went back to normal. I shook my head as my eyes went from blood red back to there pink normal ones. "Oh no." I whispered as I backed up. "Sapphire?" I herd rocky say. "I'm.....okay. How about you all? Did you get hurt during my magical rage?" I asked. "No." He say followed by a few other no's from the others. "Is chase.....?" Katie asked, she couldn't say what she had in her head. "Chase isn't dead." I said. The whole room sighed. "He should wake in a half of an hour." I said walking outside. Skye followed. I sat down and started to cry for real this time. "Hey its okay, he was kinda asking for it." She lightly joked. "But I could barley control myself." I said to nobody in question. Skye's pup tag beeped. "Paw patrol to the lookout!" Katie's voice said though it. "I gotta go!" She said running to the elevator. "I'll be here.....maybe" I called back softly. I was thinking on running away. Find humdinger myself, keep the paw patrol safe from him. Soon after they went up to the lookout to be briefed on the mission, they came down the slide and left. All of the paw patrol was called, perfect time for me to leave. I went and got my pup pack, and the elements. I went into the elevator, and waited for it to close. It went up and my vest with my pup-pack was put on me along with my hat. I never liked the hat, but it completes the look I guess. Upon being at the top u want down the slide and got ready for flight. "*bark bark* wings!" I said upon going down. As I went down the slide my wings came out.

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