Let's Go!

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Humdinger then flipped a switch on the machine I was hooked up to. What felt like bolts of electricity coursing thoguh me was actually special energy that (in theory) is surposed to make all magical items come out from mer-pups. Which ment that the elements would be coming out. When it was done I sat on the ground panting. The elements a paws reach away from me. To me it looked the end.....
"She could be anywhere by now!" Rubble said. They been searching for hours. "Hey guys." Zuma said into his pup-tag. "Yeah?" Skye called right back. "Do you think she could have gone to foggy bottom in search of Ryder?" He said with a hint of hope in his voice. "Its a possibility Zuma. But we're not going to call it the reason just yet." Katie's voice spoke through there pup-tag. Zuma herd thunder roll in. "Guys call it a day come back to the lookout. That storm looks pretty bad." Katie said. "Over and out Katie!" Skye's normal happy voice said though his pup-tag. Zuma did a soft bark and then drove back to the lookout.
"Let him out." Humdinger said to a few people standard next to Ryder. They undid the straps that tired Ryder to the chair. Once free he ran over to my week self. When I felt his touch. I melted like butter onto him. I went into a deep sleep. Ryder softly stroked me and I sleept on his leg. "Awww! Isn't that cute!" Humdinger said in a sarcastic cute way. Ryder was never one for violence, but humdinger was starting to push him. "Better enjoy this moment of each other cause then shes going to help me." He said looking to a scren inputting commands. Ryder looked down at me, I was started to wake up a bit. "You agreed to help him?" He asked softly. He want upset at me, given the situation, but concerned if I knew what I was doing.

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