Foggy Bottom

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I landed on the shore of foggy bottom. "*bark* wings away." I whispered. The wings folded back into the pup-pack position. (A\N:I'm going off form what I saw in the episode 'pup-fu!'") They were right, it is foggy. I walked along the shore line for a bit before seeing a walkway to a park. I walked up and saw a street lamp. I herd something go off. Before I could look around something was in my leg. It was a dart upon looking. A sleep dart. I fell on the ground trying to fight it. "Told you she would come for you." I herd humdinger say. "Sapphire!" A missed voice yelled. "Mom?" I whispered as the medicine took effect, making me fall asleep.
"Sapphire! Pleas wake up! Wake up! Please!" A voice begged. I groaned. The drug was wearing off. I opened my eyes to see humdinger in front of me holding my mom, who was in mer-pup form. It suddenly clicked that using my mom's magic was the way humdinger put the pokemon here. "Now that your awake, your going to help get me what I want." I just starred at him. Whatever he wants is probably not good. "You will do it or you and your mom will die!" He said holing a knife towards my mom's tail. She moved her tail as far away from the knife as possible. "Alright alright!" I yelled as soon as the smell of blood came to my nose. He then had kittens that resembled the paw patrol attach stuff to me that was hooked up to a machine. It then occurred to me that Ryder is here somewhere. "Where's Ryder?!?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, hoping Ryder would hear and respond if he can. "Yeesh! Don't have to yell." He said. "Bring him in!" He yelled to some people. They saluted and left. Seconds later they wheeled in Ryder. He was out cold. It didn't take psychic to know that he wasn't feeling well. He woke and the firs t thing he saw was me. "Sapphire? What are you doing here?" He asked me. "I'm here to rescue you." Humdinger then flipped a switch on the machine I was hooked up to.

PAW Patrol: MerpupNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ