106 : Princess Fragrance

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3rd POV

Inside Ms. Mendeleiev's class few students are barely listening while Rose sitting at the back of the class was too absorbed in watching the latest news as Prince Ali arrived in Paris to do some charity work.

And Y/N was to focused on taking down notes to worry about anything while Marinette rushed in only to trip as the strict adviser questioned the bluenette's reason for tardiness making the boy stop scribbling on his note and glanced at the blue haired teen.

Then the h/c haired teen caught a quick glance at Rose seeing her spray her perfume on a note releasing an intoxicating fragrance on the entire class while Ms. Mendeleiev smelt it immediately as she scolded the blond girl sending her to the principal's office after collecting her phone and perfume.

"Geez,Ms. Mendeleiev's strictness is something not to be taken lightly.

This is why she's my favourite."

Y/N whispered nudging Nathaniel's arm as he nervously chuckled while they watched their teacher spray some perfume on the glass jar before closing it on a small black rod and pressed the red button creating a strong chemical explosion surprising everyone.


The h/c haired teen muttered while grinning excitedly as Ms. Mendeleiev advised the students about tomorrow's quiz.

Then the class bells ringed dismissing the class as everyone started to leave while Y/N looked for Rose finding her leaving with her things returned to her at the end of the class and the e/c eyed boy approached the small girl.


I noticed what you're writing earlier,can I ask whom you're gonna give it to?"

Y/N asked walking with the girl outside the school while they both overheard Chloe talking to Sabrina about the foreign prince that arrived in Paris as Rose's face lit up in excitement and approached the spoiled blond with the tall boy following not far behind.

After Rose gave the pink envelope to Chloe the girl watched in horror and surprise as her letter was torn to pieces in front of her while Y/N was infuriated by what he just saw making him stand protectively in front of the heartbroken girl with a furious look.

"What the heck,Chloe?!

Can't you see she kindly asked you to give the letter to her idol?!I can't believe I told myself that maybe if I gave you a little help then maybe you'd change but it turns out you're the complete worst of all people!

No wonder you're all alone,because everytime someone showed the slightest care or even a little bit of love you push them because you think they're not gonna prove useful to you.

So until you learnt how to get along with others there'll be no complete communication between us and that means you won't be hanging out with me for a while!

Come on,Rose.

Let's go somewhere you can get a fresh air,cause someone's too toxic even up close."

The h/c haired teen ranted as those who were around them including Marinette stared in surprise seeing that its their first time witnessing Y/N get angry while the two went to the riverbank and sat down on the bench with Rose still sniffling out of a broken heart.

"Don't worry,Rose.

You can still meet him so wipe those tears away,remember that you still have friends who are still with you."

Y/N assured assuring the girl who gave a small smile as she pulled out another piece of paper to rewrite her letter while the boy leaned back with a heavy sigh and unbeknownst to him an akuma landed on the perfume bottle fusing instantly with the object.

The Miraculous Trio (DISCONTINUED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora