113 : RogerCop

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3rd POV

"Today's so exciting!I can finally get everyone to meet you,Mom!

And I bet they'll love you!"

Y/N cheered with an excited look watching his mother's reflection on the oversized mirror as she fixed her necktie while M/N smiled gently at his remarks.

"I'm sure they will.

So what do you think?"

M/N replied as she turned around showing her feminine business suit to her son with a wide smile while the h/c haired boy chuckled.

"You look great,Mom.

Now let's go before Chloe gets anxious again if I'm coming or not,even though Kim is there in case she needs comfort."

The h/c haired boy replied muttering the last sentence as they left the apartment only to be greeted by a black car waiting on the street in front of their house while the window rolled down revealing Gabriel.


How nice it is to see you come out once in a while."

M/N greeted entering the car along with her son as it drove off to school while the ride was pleasantly quiet with the two adults casually talking.

"I never knew that your son would take up after you.

And it's a good thing I decided to have him in my house as my son's playmate,to at least ease his lonesome isolation."

Gabriel stated while the red haired giggled as Y/N nervously chuckled.

"You're always quite a flatterer,Gabriel.

And it's fine for him,since he usually does nothing but take pictures and edit them."

M/N replied as the car stopped in front of the school with the trio getting off heading to the classroom where Marinette's father explained how he works at the bakeshop he owns while telling how he can also bake some difficult cakes sometimes.

Then with right timing Y/N entered the room first and shortly after his mother and Gabriel entered surprising everyone as the blonde boy smiled in relief while the man stood next to the red haired woman.

And as Alya's mother finished explaining her work everyone clapped and cheered including the mayor while Ms. Bustier announced Y/N's mother next.

"Thank you,Mrs. Cesaire.

Next,we'll be knowing what Y/N's mother is working in her line of duty."

Ms. Bustier announced as the red haired woman giggled walking in front on the class with a warm smile.


As you can see,I'm barely home with little time to spend with my son but I always make sure he's not alone.

In my line of work,I work not only as an errands girl but also serve as a right hand for the official higher ups such as Mayor Bourgeois which kinda explains the questionable wealth and why we're living in an apartment instead of a house."

M/N stated with a kind smile as she continued telling the others while the h/c haired boy prepared several items on his desk ready to give it to his classmates including their parents when he noticed Plagg entering the blonde girl's bag but he was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard his mother call him to distribute the foreign items she received.

"Y/N?Surely you're not imagining something are you?"

The woman asked looking at her son in question as the boy nervously chuckled while he started giving away random items to the others including their parents.

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