201 : The Collector

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3rd POV

At the Agreste Mansion Nathalie were showing pictures of Adrien going in his father's vault as Gabriel stared at his son in anger.

"Where's my book,Adrien?"

The man asked glaring at his son who wasn't a bit intimidated by him and instead met his raging gaze.

"I told you countless times already,a friend just borrowed it and they'll return right away once they're done.

If you find my answer unsatisfactory then fine,lock me up here for all I care.

I've already been isolated from you and this is nothing,because you're just pushing me into an even more isolation.

You're barely out of the house and for one small reason you get so angry.

I hate you,Dad!"

Athanase shouted surprising the two adults while the blonde counterpart ran off locking himself in the bedroom and plopped down on the bed with sigh.

Then he brought out his phone dialling Y/N's number waiting for the h/c haired teen to answer the call.

And at the same time Y/N was at Master Fu's asking him about the book watching the old guardian flip through the pages.

"What do you think,Master?

Is it just as I thought it is?"

Y/N asked with a curious look watching the old man observe the pictures as he hummed before turning at the h/c haired male.


This book contains knowledge of what each miraculouses can do,but if it falls to the wrong hands then there's nothing we can do.

Now how will you be able to break the news to Ladybug and Chat Noir that the enemy your facing is none other than your own friend's father?"

Master Fu asked glancing at the boy who looked away in guilt with his hand clenching the fabric of his pants hesitating to answer the guardian's question.

Then a vibrating noise broke the silence as Y/N picked up his phone seeing the blonde clone calling him.

"Give me a moment,Master."

Y/N asked standing up while answering the call.

"Hey,what's up?

He's fuming about the book so I won't be able to get out of the house for a while.

That's fine,Athanase.
So long as everyone doesn't know Adrien has a counterpart we'll be fine.

Do you think he'll accept the truth about it?

.....No,it'd be best if no one knows but us."

After the call Y/N came back to the room with a sad look as he sat on his knees sighing deeply making the old guardian smile in reassurance.

"When one cares for those he loved he'll carry the burden of pain as long as they're happy."

Master Fu acknowledged making the h/c haired boy smile.

Later that afternoon Y/N was walking to school and upon arriving at the classroom Adrien quickly rushed to him dragging him somewhere private.

"My father's really mad and there's no doubt he'll get akumatized.

I really need the book back or else they'll find out."

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