209 : Frightningale

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3rd POV

Y/N woke up screaming while his brother quickly pushed him down to the bed calming him down as his breathing quickly returned to normal.

"What...what happened?How did I..."

Y/N asked slowly sitting up while the blonde calmly gazed at him.

"You had an outburst yesterday,and if it wasn't for Kim you would've already broke my neck.

Though its understandable for me,since you weren't literally yourself yesterday."

Ren answered while opening a tablet before handling it to his brother who glanced worriedly at him completely unsure of the medicine he's giving him.

"Don't worry,it's only a multivitamin.

And since the drug that girl injected in you caused an uncontrollable addiction,you should also add a brain booster for it.

Just to help you put your mind in ease."

The blonde added opening a med bottle as he took one pill in his hand before giving it to the uncertain h/c haired male and he only shrugged.

After drinking the two pills Ren gave him a glass of water as he gulped it down in one go.

"How long have I been out?"

The teen asked while watching his brother who showed him a marked calendar making his eyes go wide as he jumped out of bed and before he could rush to somewhere else the blonde stopped him in his tracks.

"Calm down,Y/N.

Its Saturday so there's nothing much to do.

Unless you're going to that Nightingale audition,I heard the young singer is looking for some teen actors to star as Chat Noir,Ladybug and Mono.

And unfortunately,two of your friends shares an almost similar features.

Such as their hair colours."

Ren added as he glanced to where his brother stood only to find that he's already been talking into thin air and he casually shrugged it off with a nonchalant look.

"Didn't even let me finished that I contacted their counterparts to join the auditions as heroes."

The blonde sighed while Y/N on the other hand was already sprinting to where the audition is taking place and luckily he just made it in time.


Chloe asked glancing at the h/c haired male who walked inside the grand hall with a panting look as his classmates turned to look at him including the famous young singer.

"Sorry if I'm late,I wanted to join the audition."

Y/N announced wiping the sweat off his jaw while the others stared at him in complete shock not believing he just said it straight.

Just then Ladybug and Chat Noir's counterparts dressed in their hero costume swung in as they landed in front of the teen with warm welcoming smiles.


I'm sure you already heard of us and just to let you know,we're completely thrilled to star in your show."

Beetle greeted as Clara smiled widely before rushing to the two checking them.

"Wow,Ladybug and Chat Noir in the flesh!

And standing here in front of me no less."

Clara rhymed while Y/N glanced at the lined crowds finding the bluenette's face completely relieved while Adrien also had a relieved look.

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