124 : Kung Food

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3rd POV

At the Dupain - Cheng's residence the bluenette teen were having trouble speaking Mandarin as the h/c haired boy chuckled at her mistranslation.

"You know you don't have to force yourself to speak Mandarin in order to make your uncle understand,I'm sure he understands English."

Y/N assured watching Marinette groan.

"It's just that this is my first time meeting Uncle Cheng and I want to make a good impression on him since he's a very famous chef."

Marinette replied as Y/N sighed.

"There are other ways for you to show a good impression on the person,Mari.

But don't worry,I'll be here to translate for you.

So don't stress yourself out to make everything perfect,because using simplicity is enough to make even a flawed diamond perfect."

The h/c haired added smiling brightly as the bluenette nodded and smiled while the doorbell rang making the two approach the door.

And upon opening it a Chinese man stood behind as he clasped his hands together in a prayer while bowing his head with a greeting.

"Hello,Mr. Cheng,welcome to Marinette's.

Please,come in."

The h/c haired greeted nudging the girl to give the flowers as she did so while Mr. Cheng entered the living room and sat on the couch.

"What would you like,Sir?Coffee or tea?"

Y/N asked making the man smile as he replied tea and while he made some the bluenette hummed.

"I'm so happy to hear that you're competing for world's most famous chef,Uncle Cheng.

I know you'll do great at this,and who knows maybe you and Y/N could work together since he's also a great cook."

Marinette started wanting to ease the awkwardness as the man just smiled at her while nodding.

"Your boyfriend?"

Mr. Cheng asked glancing at the h/c haired teen who were pouring the hot water on the cup making the bluenette stutter and exclaim.

"Uh,h-he's not my boyfriend,he's my...figure...brother figure.

Yeah,he's my brother."

The bluenette replied slapping herself in frustration while Y/N came back placing the cup of tea on the centre table as he sat on the other side of the couch.

"So how's the way here,Mr. Cheng?Was the tourist sites enticing to go to?"

The h/c haired male asked with a smile while the man nodded.

"Yes,very beautiful.

And your name?"

Mr. Cheng asked curious to know who the kind boy is as Y/N properly introduced himself.

Then a car beeped at the house catching the trio's attention as Y/N went to look at the window finding a black car waiting outside the bakery.

"That's our ride,Mr. Cheng.

Come on,let's get you to the hotel so you can start your recipe."

The h/c haired teen answered as he,the bluenette and Mr. Cheng left the house and entered the car while it drove through the city.

As the trio arrived on the hotel they were greeted by the Parisians standing behind the fence while the mayor approached Mr. Cheng and shook his hand.

And as they made their way inside with the Chinese chef heading straight to the kitchen Chloe and Adrien came finding the two of them waiting on the lobby.

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