111 : The Bubbler

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3rd POV

It was a clear morning as Y/N's phone buzzed while he tiredly groaned and grabbed it ending the buzzing alarm before sinking his face on his pillow.

"Y/N?Wake up,you're gonna be late for school."

His mother called as the h/c haired boy groaned and sat up with a messy bed hair while he yawned before standing up.


Y/N replied while downstairs his mother were preparing some breakfast as he came down wearing his usual clothing and sat behind the counter with a tired look.

"You seemed awfully tired today,what did you do last night?"

M/N asked noticing the boy's tired figure as he yawned while his mother slid his favourite breakfast to him.

"I stayed up late last night with Master Fu.

Since...if I wanted to protect my friends especially Mari and Goldilocks,I need to be strong for them so that Hawkmoth would target me first before them.

I'm sure his kwami is giving him some informations he need so I don't have to explain to him if he grew curious on my powers."

The h/c haired boy answered downing his breakfast while M/N can only look at him with a sad look as she sighed.

"You really cared for them,don't you?To be honest,I can't really blame you for developing a platonic feelings for them since you're an only child.

And just know that I'm always with you in whatever decision you make,now don't forget to give your friend some presents since it's his birthday today.

Then maybe you could ask his father if you can take him out to party with Queen Bee."

His mother encouraged with a warm smile as Y/N almost choked on his food after hearing his mother's question before swallowing.

"Uhm...what was that last sentence you said before Queen Bee?"

Y/N asked watching his mother turn at him with a questioning hum as she gave a light chuckle.

"Its Adrien's birthday today,silly.

And I thought,that instead of me advising his father why don't you be the one to ask him for your friend?

The poor boy's been always locked up in his house ever since his mother died so try to kindly ask his father if you can take him out,tell him to consider it as his present for his son."

M/N replied while the boy's eyes widened in surprise as he quickly finished his breakfast and kissed his mother goodbye leaving the house in a rush.

'Dang it!I've been too busy last night that I forgot Adrien's birthday!'

Y/N cursed in his thoughts as he ran in a breakneck speed heading to the school where he found Adrien talking to Nino while Marinette and Alya hid behind the staircase.

Then while the h/c haired teen walked past them waving at them he approached the blond queen bee waiting for him for what seemed to be hours.


Sorry I'm late."

Y/N reasoned approaching the two while Chloe just smiled as she turned at the tall boy.

"Its no biggie.

Besides,Sabrina and I were just thinking what we could give Adrien since its his birthday today."

The blond girl replied while Y/N smiled gently as he gazed at the blonde boy down the stairs behind him talking to the bluenette before glancing back at the two girls.

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