119 : Horrificator

271 9 0

3rd POV

The class gathered inside the classroom with Mylene and Adrien hiding under the teacher's desk as they both have frightened looks.

"We have to stay strong,Samantha.

We'll get out of this somehow,we just need to find the key that opens the gate out of this school."

Adrien encouraged with the small girl nodding in fear while an eerie voice made the blonde perk up and the girl flinch in fear.

"Don't think you can escape me,after what you and your friends did I'll never forgive any of you."

The h/c haired taunted with the camera going around him while the other were focused on Adrien and Mylene as they both looked at each other and nodded.

Then as the h/c haired teen approached the seats the two quickly made a run with their sudden footsteps alerting the boy as he rushed towards them and raised his knife making Mylene scream in fear causing Nino to call the cut.

"Come on,Mylene.

That's the tenth take and you keep messing that part."

Nino whined making the girl glance at everyone while Y/N smiled with a soft laugh.

"Its the fourteenth time now,Nino.

But who's counting?"

Alix corrected making the brown skinned boy grumble as they retake the shoot and ended up the same again making everyone groan while the h/c haired hummed.

"Alright everyone,we're all too focused so let's take a break.

Nino,Alya,Mari,a word please."

Y/N asked leaving the classroom with the three following close behind as they watched the h/c haired pondered in his thoughts.

"Mylene gets too intimated easily,she'll never make the run so we need someone to take her place and this is also troublesome for me but we need to make the cut.

Its the final scene and we're only halfway there,who else hadn't been showed in the screen to replace her?"

The h/c haired teen asked with a concerned look as Alya and Marinette looked through the script.

"Well,the only ones left are Chloe,Sabrina and Alix.

But we need someone who gets frightened easily so instead of replacing Mylene,we should change the scene so she can make the cut."

The brown haired girl stated making Y/N hum thinking of a better idea as he looked at the blogger with a calm look.

"You're right,we should just change the scene.

So this is what it'd look like."

Y/N replied and after he explained it to the others all of them had shocked looks as they stared at the h/c haired in a speechless manner.

"Yeah,we had to redo the scene because Mylene gets too frightened easily and to quickly put her character out of the scene and to calm her down right after.

Now read the new script you two while I teach Nathaniel and Kim on how to use the boom mike and backup light,Mari take notes of the important mixes for the movie and don't forget to put the makeup on Adrien and Mylene."

The h/c haired ordered as everyone nodded and did their specific roles with Chloe and Sabrina applying makeup to the two while Y/N were having a serious conversation to Kim and Nathaniel.

And while Nino were checking the cinematic camera the h/c haired lent to him the bluenette were too busy grumbling on the lists of effects and sounds on the movie.

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