208 : Belfana

217 5 1

3rd POV

"Happy birthday,Mari.

I hope you like it."

The h/c haired male greeted with a gentle smile as he handed a small box to the bluenette and upon opening the lid she gasped wildly in surprise.

"Y/N...this is so...PERFECT!"

Marinette shouted in glee as she hugged the tall male laughing in joy while she wore the necklace around her neck.

"Don't mention it.

Besides,I thought you might want to have a matching set with Goldilocks so I brought you that."

The male assured while Tikki floated towards the two as she gave a red yin - yang half to the bluenette leaving her in complete awe.


Is that what you called a kwagatama?"

Marinette asked while the two chuckled.


And even Chaton received had one too,courtesy of me bribing Plagg just to give him the same one but black."

Y/N added as he lead the girl downstairs and after reaching the bottom of the stairs the doorbell ringed and the bluenette opened the door revealing a middle aged woman standing behind the door.


Marinette laughed running up to her grandmother hugging her in joy while giggling with her parents peering behind the wall staring at the woman in shock and the h/c haired male only watched with a gentle look on his face.

"Look at you,my little Marinetta.

You're so tall for your age."

Gina complimented as she and the bluenette's parents entered the bakery before noticing the teen behind her.

"And who might you be?Are you my granddaughter's boyfriend?"

Gina asked again while Y/N chuckled.

"We're more than that,Ma'am.

I'm -"

Before Y/N could finish his sentence the bluenette cutted him off as she proudly boasted to her grandmother that she's her brother making her parents coo.

"Oh,so my Marinetta grew fond of you that you actually became his brother figure.

How time flies,lucky for you two,I'm taking you out for some fun."

Gina concluded placing the helmet on her granddaughter and before they could leave Y/N cleared his throat.

"Uh,Ma'am,I mean Ms. Gina,I don't want to spoil your fun but...Mari's already fourteen so amusement parks are...too young for her age.

And besides,she told me all of your travels so why don't you take her to one of the places you've travelled to.

Like the GardenLeon Station."

The male suggested while the elderly woman caught an idea as she dragged the two teens into her bike taking them to the said spot in one of her travels.

"Hmm,this candy might be a little minty but its so good."

The h/c haired teen complimented as he popped the opened candy to his mouth the bluenette admired the view of the places her grandmother brought her to.

"How can you love its taste when I don't even like it?

But nevermind,I'm so glad you suggested grandma to take me to her travels near Paris and this is the most fun I've had.

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