110 : Copycat

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Today's an unveiling of our statues as heroes who constantly saves the day and since I still have time I decided to hang out with Marinette and Alya whom are trying to send a message to Adrien's voicemail while I watched them convey an ineffective plan making me sigh.


Why don't you just ask him straight?I'm sure he'll comply."

I asked gazing at the two girls as they both turned at me while Marinette hummed staring at her phone.

"You're right,Y/N.

But what if he didn't answered it?"

Mari asked with full nervousness holding her head while I chuckled with a smile as I stood up and sat between the girls.

"If that's what you're worrying about then I got you.

Since Goldilocks hadn't saved your phone number to something he could recognize yet then you can use mine since he saved my number as Big Bro for some reason."

I replied handing her my phone as she took a deep breath and sighed then gazed at us while Alya and I gave her an encouraging smile nodding her to go for it.

"Alright,here we go."

Mari answered with a confident smile as she dialed the blonde's number only for a voicemail to answer while that didn't stopped the bluenette and replied right after the voicemail allowed her to save a message.


Sorry if I'm calling you at N/N's phone because I wasn't sure if you saved my phone number so I was just asking if you'd like to come with me to the movies.

And its just the two of us since I really liked our conversation.

Please call me back if you go for it."

Mari expressed saving the voicemail as she smiled at the two of us then not long after her phone started ringing while she checked to see who it is and her face lit up in excitement with an excited squeal showing us who's calling her which turned out to be Adrien.

"Well?What are you waiting for girl?Go on."

Alya encouraged smiling at the bluenette as Mari answered the call while she stood up and walked around the room with me and Alya listening closely.

Then I checked the time seeing that its almost time for the unveiling for the heroes so I stalled for Alya as I reminded her of it and she quickly realised it while I glanced at Mari who's deeply enjoying the phone call with Goldilocks.

"Don't worry about us,I'll make sure that Ms. Clumsy will make it to her date."

I encouraged waving my hands at her to tell her I can take care of Mari for her as she nodded before leaving while I turned at the bluenette watching her end the phone call and started bouncing up and down in excitement.


We're about to miss the unveiling.

You sure you're not coming?"

I asked crossing my arms with an obvious smile as she looked at me in confusion while Tikki came out from behind her making her panic.

"Don't worry,Marinette.

Y/N can be trusted because he's Mono and he's the only one who knows both of yours and Chat Noir's real identity."

Tikki assured as she approached me giving me a hug on the cheek while I just grinned at Mari who stared at us in shock and disbelief.

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