203 : Lovestruck

678 12 4

Since Chloe's character is changed in this fiction some episodes will be changed.
3rd POV

It was another day in school as Marinette's father were teaching the class how to bake while they gathered in front of the table watching closely in awe.

And while Mr. Dupain thoroughly explained the process Lila stayed at the back clinging on Y/N's arm who's attention was focused on the man listening closely.

"I'm surprised Ms. Bustier allowed you to sit in the back since...you've got quite a talent in almost everything."

Lila acknowledged resting her head on his shoulder while the h/c haired teen didn't glanced at her and instead kept his attention in front of the class.

"And what's your excuse this time?

Couldn't walk because your knees are shaking?"

Y/N scoffed crossing his arms not caring if the brunette beside him were scowling with an angry look as she sat straight and raised her hand.

"Ms. Bustier,is it alright if I go to the bathroom?I really need to go."

Lila asked pretending to have to go while the advisor allowed her and once she entered the bathroom stall she dialled a number calling someone on the phone before returning to the classroom  with a coy smile.

And as she sat next to the h/c haired teen the fire alarm went off after she sat down making all the students gather in the gym where the principal stood in front with a fireman beside him.

While the headmaster announced who's responsible Y/N could only glance at the brunette beside him who's looking at his e/c eyes with a narrowed gaze and an obvious smile.

Then Lila raised her hand and what she did surprised almost everyone including Y/N himself as he stared at the girl in shock then to everyone in fear.

"I saw Y/N call someone on his phone saying something about a fire in the school.

He even threatened me to get expelled if I said anything."

The brunette announced playing victim while the entire students stared at Y/N in shock and surprise except for his class who glared at Lila in anger before turning at the principal.

"This is utterly absurd,everyone knows Y/N would never do that.

He's too kind,and you even know this yourself,Mr. Damocles.

He's never the kind of person to do this kind of prank,let alone threaten someone."

Chloe fumed while the rest of the class agreed including Ms. Bustier yet their protests and defences were only for nothing when the principal suspended Y/N for a week.

Y/N can only clench his fist in anger as the class argued against the principal defending him with the h/c haired teen gazing murderously at the brunette who were smiling at him.

"Guys,its OK.

I'm at fault and...its only just a week,so there's nothing for you to be worried about.

I'll be fine."

Y/N assured smiling sadly at his classmates who stared at him in shock while Chloe and Adrien were glaring at Lila.


The blond queen bee blurted out surprising everyone with her sudden outburst as she approached the principal with an angry look storming up to him.

"If you're going to suspend Y/N then suspend the entire school,none of us are going anyway without him so if he's going then so are we.

Unless you want me to call my father and tell him to fire you!"

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