Chapter 31

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Ms. Porters POV

The days turned into weeks, and still, I couldn't find the strength to reach out to Izzie. Each passing moment weighed heavily on my conscience, the guilt becoming an unwelcome companion that nestled deep within my heart. I couldn't bare that I was the reason she got hurt. I couldn't bare the thought that my presence made her life worse.

I had always prided myself on being a strong person, someone who faced challenges head-on with resilience and determination. But the revelations that unfolded had shattered the illusion of my strength, leaving behind a broken version of myself. The truth I had learned about my life and the betrayal of those closest to me had created a chasm in my soul, one I struggled to bridge.

Every day, I would pick up my phone, my trembling fingers hovering over the screen, contemplating whether to call or message Izzie. But the weight of guilt held me back. How could I face her after everything that had happened? How could I talk to her knowing I am the sole reason I put her in such dangerous situations.

My silence was not born out of anger or blame towards Izzie. No, it was a reflection of the turmoil within me, a battle between the love I held for her and the guilt that consumed me. I feared that if I reached out, I would only inflict more pain on her, like a broken vessel leaking anguish onto her already burdened shoulders.

I watched from a distance, aware of the ache in her eyes, the sadness that had settled in her once vibrant spirit. Her calls and messages went unanswered, and each one pierced my heart like a thousand tiny knives. I longed to ease her pain, to offer her the comfort she deserved, but my own wounds were too fresh, too raw to be of any solace.

Days turned into weeks, and the silence between us deepened. I buried myself in work, in anything that could distract me from the relentless thoughts that plagued my mind. But no matter how hard I tried to escape, Izzie's absence remained a constant presence, a reminder of the void I had created.

The guilt became my silent companion, a haunting reminder of the pain I had caused. I yearned for the day when I could find the strength to face Izzie, to apologize for my silence, and to explain the battles I was fighting within myself. But for now, I remained trapped in a cycle of guilt and self-doubt, hoping that someday I would find the courage to bridge the divide and mend the shattered pieces of our connection.

Izzie's POV

It had been exactly 16 days since I last saw Adrianna. I didn't want to keep score but every passing day was a reminder of the time I hadn't seen her and I couldn't help but count as the days remained cold and the nights dark. How could I even forget when her room greeted me like an empty casket every time I left my room.

The last 16 days had been hard on me. I felt abandoned by Adrianna in a time where I have never needed her more than I did now. She was the only one who could understand what I was going through but instead she just left.

I found solace in the company of Hazel, Allie and Chelsea. I had never opened much about my life and everything that went on, but now that the investigation was open and active I had no choice but to tell them everything that happened. Besides that, it felt nice to have people to talk to. I never knew I deprived myself of having a supportive friend group. They had showed me tremendous support and understanding. I wouldn't have been able to stay sane if it wasn't for them. They listened patiently as I poured out my emotions, sharing the depths of my pain and confusion. Their unwavering support provided a lifeline, reminding me that I wasn't alone in this journey.

I spent the last week slowly opening up about everything that happened with George. I talked about Adrianna and how we had developed a friendship. I hadn't told them about anything intimate happening between us. After everything I still had enough respect for her and would never put her in a difficult position.

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