Chapter 33

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Evergreen had returned to seemingly normal. The halls were full again, the ball rang loudly, the security was gone and I could hear laughter fill the air. It was like nothing ever happened, meanwhile George was still out there. Nobody seemed to care. It felt like once they realized it was someone that I knew, it wasn't a threat to them anymore so they didn't have a care in the world.

Monday morning had arrived and I was dreading the day. After spending the most of Sunday moping over Adrianna, I now had to go back to class. I had been sad over the decision she had made. I thought it was unfair to make choices for me when I was perfectly capable of doing that myself. I just thought it was a lame excuse for her own decision. Nonetheless I wasn't having it. In a way she was right. I needed to get my focus back on other things and I couldn't keep her as my number one priority, but I resented the way she did it. My sadness had quickly turned into bitterness over the weekend.

I walked into history class and sat down next to Chelsea.

"Good morning to you too." She chuckled.

"Morning," I replied. "Can't necessarily say it's a good one."

"You don't think starting your day with history class is a good way to start?" She joked.

"It's perfect actually!" I sarcastically replied. "Can't wait to hear about the Second World War."

"Delightful isn't it." Chelsea chuckled, sensing my sarcasm. "But hey, you never know, history can be pretty fascinating sometimes."

I forced a half-hearted smile, appreciating Chelsea's attempt to lighten my mood. "Yeah, I guess so. Maybe I'll discover something interesting today."

As the class began, the teacher delved into the topic of the Second World War, recounting the struggles, sacrifices, and triumphs of those who lived through those challenging times. I tried to pay attention, but my mind just seemed to wander to the one person I shouldn't think about. A quiet sigh left my mouth.

"Hey." Chelsea nudged me. "Want me to come over tonight? We can watch a movie maybe?"

I smiled. "I'd love that. Horror?" I grinned.

"You bet."

The day slowly dragged on. I suprisingly paid attention to most of my classes. I realised I was too far behind on everything, if I wanted to graduate I should start catching up.

Last class of the day was English with the freshly returned Ms. Porter. I had never been less excited to attend one of her classes. I didn't know how to sit there in her classroom pretending nothing ever happened. Pretending like I didn't have feelings for her, but pretending was all I could do because I couldn't just stop feeling the way I did.

I made my way to English class while I was listening to Julian rambling on about the girl he was dating.

"I'm telling you man, I like this girl. She is so beautiful."

"Ohhh, little Julian is in love." I laughed.

"I am not in love!" He exclaimed.

"Sure sounds like you are buddy." I grinned.

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes. "We're just dating for now."

I laughed. "No, but for real, I am happy for you."

He smiled. "What about you, Iz? Got your eye on anyone?" He asked as we walked into the classroom. My eyes immediately went to the dark haired woman in front of the classroom, but just as quickly I redirected my gaze to Julian.

"No, I'm not really interested in dating anyone. No one has really grabbed my attention." I shrugged.

"Good afternoon Julian and Izzie." Ms. Porter greeted us.

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