When I think of the human condition I am more less talking about being emotional and having feelings

The other thing about the eighth grade was that I only had two friends, Ana and  Nils.  They were not so bad.  So every time a holiday or rite of passage came my parents would invite them to my house, and we eat pizza until we barfed and watched FBI movies as well watching at the time much music loud....which was like todays chez 106.   The radio station.  Though at the time I was impartial to rap.  But was flexible.  When I was celebrating with them about anything that was good in my life, and at the time there were a few and far between good things.  But I remeber that they would drop in and started up a pizza party for not reason but life my spirits.   Which was kind of them.
Ana, nils and I idolized the FBI because of the movies we watched and the x- files.
That was when we were not watching horror movies. 
When that time then I remember still being a big nerd, skinny as hell in a handbasket and was reading reader's digest and chicken soup hoping to catch a story about the FBI.  We were on the hunt for FBI Books for me.
Just for you information...nils was the kid who annoyed the hell out of me on 9/11 before I knew the shit show was happening.  I will not get into that again.
But he and his sister turned out to be good friends all the way up to early adulthood.  Then we were facebook friends and then nothing Apparently there was a change in  life styles and standards that tore us apart, but not until after one part I thought.  Will tell you more about that later. It was this that displaced our friendship..........my PTSD was the mother fucker that decked it self before it checked it self.  That don't mean that I don't creep them once and while and drop a message.  This still breaks my heart, to this day.

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